Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I fell asleep the following night, dreaming of Jamie....

It wasnt really a dream, it was a memory. The first time I met him, I had bumped into him in the corridors and school... And it all just hit off from there. I miss those days....

Still no invite....

Now Flora's phone is safely in my back pocket, she spends more time with her brother. She comforts him, and they chat a lot. They still sleep in cinema room five, but we don't talk much, they seem to go off into the library a lot. Which is the opposite of me and Eliza.

We do go to the roof garden alot, its peaceful and its the closet I'll get to outside for anther week and a few days.

The thought of the wedding brings butterflies into my stomach, and I become light headed. Every time this happens, I'm scared I might faint, it certainly feels that way. One time Eliza had to snap her fingers, to bring me back into reality. Then, I dropped my rice all over my lap, and Eliza was obviously amused buy this.

I feel like Eliza is my best friend... She's certainly a friend i know that, but she's the first person ever to have becoming nearly as tight as me and Paula.. And that took years, we first meet in primary school and became best friends in our last year there, we went to separate high schools, but we're inseparable. We do everything together, go to movies, sleepovers, phone calls that can last for hours.

We're really tight... So I'm glad she's coming to the wedding, it would be extremely hard for me without her there. She's always got a joke to make me laugh, or she'll just make s funny comment, and we'll be rolling around the floor laughing.

Although, that wouldn't be a good look on my wedding day....

Recently, after the death of Madame Ariane, Hershel has been more or less ignoring and avoiding Eliza and me. I can understand why, but it hurts my feelings, and Eliza's more. She's known Hershel, ever since she first came here. He helped her along like how she helped me, and how we helped Owen and Flora. But, they've got each other, now Flora's phone has somehow found its way into my back pocket.

I more or less guess.. Things are relatively normal for this place, the topic of gossip is ' my wedding' much to my distaste. I want to forget about the awful thing completely, but I can't, I don't have a choice. I'm always reminded every time, I look at my hand, and find the ring sitting on my finger, every time I see children running around, every time I think of Madams Ariane.

As, I'm leaving the shower room, I see the old lady and her daughter go in, I feel sorry for them really. I feel sorry for everyone here, but those two are always together, looking out for each other, and god knows how long they've both been trapped here. I only hope, they will get out.

But, then I only hope I can get out aswell....

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