Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The next day was dull and rainy and cold. Shannon came on her way to school in the morning to drop off some of my schoolwork. I decided I would do them after lunch. I only had a few pages of maths to do and to read a chapter of the book, we were studying in English.

The day just seemed to drag on, I didn't see why I couldn't go to school the days in between the court, but apparently it would " unsettle" me, and I would lose track of my work, wasnt I losing enough education as it was?

I did my schoolwork, and did extra on the maths, so I'm not falling behind, even though I one I would be. I wasnt getting any work home for history, modern studies, or Art. I did my P.E, just jogging in the woods at the back of my house, the only exercise I would be able to get. English wasnt a problem, I just read through the chapter, wrote a detailed summary, always too big, for just a short summary. And, then I would go read one of my own books, so, I was safe there.

Seen, as I wasnt getting any schoolwork for modern studies, I sent a text to Ellie, at break. She's a girl in my class, and she replied,

" We're doing Child Soldiers."

So, I just got my tablet out, read up about child soldiers, and took some notes, into my modern studies jotter. Just, so I can show my teacher I have been doing some studying, they were just rough notes, but they were better than nothing. It wasnt easy to find as much about child soldiers online, the only real information I had, was they mostly were found in undeveloped counties. I wrote down, some of the reasons why, children have became soldiers, or generals wives.

I found the rest of the day, really boring. I didn't have much to do, and I couldn't message anyone, as they were all at school. I spent a while, playing apps, but I got bored. The weather wasnt great, limiting my choices. I spent a while, just drawing, just whatever I saw online, and I liked the look of. They didn't come out the best, but seen as I didn't have much else to do, it passed the time.

I hadn't seen Jamie, for a few days by now. We spoke on Facebook that night, but he seemed distracted. I asked if everything, was Ok, and he replied,

" Course."

" You sure?"

It said, he had read my message but I got no reply, ten minutes later, he had logged off. I called him, but it went straight to answer message, I tried a few hours later, still nothing. He's ignoring me deliberately, this wasnt like him. He'd never ignored me before, not before I went to the cinema, or until now. I didn't understand, had I done something wrong? We had been fine, yesterday.

I kept texting him, but I didn't succeed. I just remember going to bed, with my phone next to me, on loud speaker, so I would hear him call, if he did.

I couldn't sleep, I was worrying too much, and I couldn't think straight. The last time I was like this, I was in the cinema, and I was scared beyond my wits. I tried to read, but my mind wasnt in it. I just lay on my bed, all night, waiting for a reply that wasnt going to come.

This, didn't put me in the best of moods for court the next day.

I dressed myself, straightened my hair, and was ready to go. I wasnt hungry, I didn't want to eat. Mum forced food down my throat, but the food didn't do me any good. You don't want to do anything, when your hearts stabbing you.

I jumped into the car, again once at the court, cameras were in my face. I hardly noticed them now, in my view they were just people with no life, so they poked their noses into mine. I know its they're job, but Id appreciate not having a microphone, being shoved into my mouth.

I took my seat, next to Eliza. It took over 20 minutes, for the guards to get Marcus, to enter. When, he did he pointed a finger at me, and went to lunge. Guards, held him back, and everything went in slow motion for me. I sat down, hearing him curse at me, the jury gasping, from behind me. Eliza, shaking her head, and then, I hear my own voice cursing back.

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