Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Seriously, the days are just going too quick. I've been in this hell for what seems like forever, but in reality its been nearly three weeks. And, now there is less than two until my wedding. I'm glad, I've only been here round about a month and not 20 years like Eliza.

I guess its kinda like that movie where Forrest Gump, compares life to a box of chocolates, that you never know what you're going to get, he never did look on the back of that chocolate box did he? But, then you can't do that with life, and that defiantly sucks.... Big time!

Sitting in the roof garden, looking into the people below brings back memories. Going to the cinema with fiends, shopping. Watching the kids walk home from school reminds me of primary school, and how easy they have it. They won't know what's hit them when they start high school.

I spend my days now, just watching the world go by up there, talking to Eliza and watching out for Owen and Flora. I still refuse to give her back her phone, its for her brothers good anyway.

Marcus has came to see me a few times in cinema room five, usually he tried to catch me alone for a private chat, which really could've been said in front of my mum.

We don't  really talk much about the wedding, he got the main stuff sorted out and I invited my family, Paula and the minister who is really my uncle. I still suppress a smile at the thought of my Uncle Grant in ministers robes, and that fact that his wife and son will be watching him, taking the " ceremony."

One day, Marcus actually asked me if I wanted to make a speech at the wedding party afterwards. I said no, that he could just do one, and he seemed fine with that.

If the " wedding " goes to plan the ceremony should take place, then the dinner party, then we'll go to my house afterwards, and then while I'm away to the toilet, I call the police and get him arrested. I have plenty of witnesses for the crimes he's done, he'll be locked up behind bars, and as the wedding was fake i won't be his wife. I'll be free to go as I please, and live my life how I want to.

Just would have to live it without Jamie....

There still has been no reply, and whenever I breach the subject with Eliza, she says,

" Forget about him. It's the only way you'll be able to move on. This situation wasnt your choice, it wasnt as if you had options. He would've done the same!"

Then, she begins to curse and I know then, she isn't swearing because of Jamie and the wedding. Its about Madame Ariane. I feel so guilty about what happened, I hate bringing up the subject.

Hershel does talk, but not a lot. Only the occasional hello, or odd comment about a book from the library.

As time goes by, and the wedding draws closer the more butterflies I get in my tummy. The only way I can really describe it is, like your scared but looking forward to it, if that makes sense.

Desperate to get it over with, and return home but scared it will go wrong, scared you'll make a mistake, that you can't fix.

I wake up one morning, to be shocked when I hear Eliza say,

" Two days until the big day!!!!"

Oh god.... Really? It can't be!?

That's when, reality comes back to me, and I land on earth. I can't do this, but I have to. Its my only option, and its definitely, not the easiest one.

Two days until my wedding day.... I wonder if anyone has ever died on their wedding day?

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