Reyton I

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Rowan's POV.
It was about 5 in the afternoon and I was working today with Peyton and Cory, Sabrina had taken the day off, she had done her scenes. I was on the set of Girl Meets World filming the episode that we were going to air later.

"That's a wrap!" Said the Director, as everyone clapped, "We have about three weeks off, so take care everyone!" Said the crew member.

I was heading into my dressing room to change from my Riley clothes to my Rowan clothes, then surprisingly my stomach started rumbling, it was starvation, yes basically call it "hungry" but anyways I headed out of the set. Said goodbye to everyone and then I ran into Peyton.

"Oh hey, Pey, Not going home? I asked
"I was, but me and Cory decided to go to In-N-Out burger, wanna join?" He asked
I did feel hungry so.."Sure, why not?" I followed him to his car and Cory was already in there siting at the back, so I decided to sit with Peyton in the front.

15 minutes later..
"Wait, Peyton can you drive me home, relatives are coming over" said Cory
"What, dude aren't you hungry?" Asked Peyton
"Nah, not really, please drop me off" said Cory
Peyton then made a quick turn to go to Cory's. When we arrived a bunch of cars were parked in the driveway, my guess? His relatives.
"See ya guys" said Cory
"Bye" I said
"See you" Peyton said,
"Do you wanna go home? I can drop you off" Peyton suggested.
"I'm still hungry Peyton, let's go to In-N-Outs" I said

He then, drove us to In-N-Outs

Peyton's POV.
When we arrived, all I can think about is Rowan, I have had feelings for her every now and then, but I just don't know. I followed her as she was leading us to a table, didn't she worry that it may look like a date?

We both took our seats, "You can order Row, I'll pay" I said.
"What? no Peyton I'll pay for myself" Rowan insisted, smiling at me.
"I'll pay" I said hoping she would respond.
"Fine, but I don't owe you anything" Rowan said.

Later on, Rowan had ordered a cheeseburger and I ordered the double double.
"So what are you gonna do for your weeks off?" I asked her
"Um... I don't know, hang out with you and Sabrina or others" she said as she took a gulp of her beverage, she doesn't have the slightest idea that I like her, that's the thing I like about her, she doesn't know what's happening around her, it's like she's the sun and the planets are orbiting around her.

When our food came, she immediately took a bite on that burger, and more and more bite.
"Sorry, I'm just hungry" she said feeling probably embarrassed.
"That's okay" I said making her feel okay. She then wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"I think Corey likes you" I said
"What, no" she said
I raised my eyebrow
"I mean, I love him that's for sure, he's more like a brother to me than a boyfriend" said Rowan
"No one really likes me" Rowan mumbled

"I do" I whispered quietly.......

How was Row & Peyton, shipping them? Well read more of the chapters about them.
Remember it is divided into 5 parts, you can read all the stories about the couples
Or you can just skip to read the one couple you ship
Anyways please give me a follow.

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