Pake II

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Piper's POV.
Making my way towards the next page of James and the giant peach. Yes, I'm reading a children's novel. It was about a quarter past twelve and I was in my car, which was parking outside the Plastick Cafe.

Then, someone knocked on my car window that gave me a chill, then I realized it was Jake.
"What the heck Jake!!" I shouted at him
He laughed and waited
I unlocked the car and let him in.
"You're such a dork Jake" I said
"Thank you" he responded
"I got something" he said
I was still reading the writings on the book, "what have you got?" I asked
"Doughnuts" he said heading me the bag
"Thanks Jake" I said

I really like doughnuts, each and every flavor.

"Please tell me there isn't a bagel" I said (i hated bagels)
I pulled one out and gave him a look
"Seriously?" I asked
"What? You like doughnuts and I like bagels" he said
"You said it was for me, you dork" I said laughing
"Next time, say it was for us" I said

Jake's POV.
She just said "us"
Do I need to worry? Or forget about it?
We both ate our doughnuts and bagels, Piper was reading and eating while I ate and stared outside the car window.

She then spoke,
"Thanks Jake for this" she said as she reached out to hug me
"You know, who needs boyfriends right? Im just lucky to have you" she said
"Your my friend Jake, never forget that" she reminded me

Piper's POV.
I'm never having a girlfriend" he started saying
"Who needs one" I said back
"if you have a girlfriend, she'll just use you, like to show off to their friends or something. And some are just desperate. That's how relationships work" I said
"Not every relationship" he said
I started to feel sorry for him, he never really had a real relationship before, I've heard girls gossip, saying things behind his back

"That's okay Jake" I said comforting him
"You know, let's go somewhere tomorrow, get our mind off things." I said suggesting
"I'd like that" he said
We both giggled and I ate the donut

Jake's POV.
I didn't say anything for the whole talk, I just listened.
I started feeling depressed
"Pipes, do you ever desperately love someone?" I asked
"I do" she said
She turned to me and hugged me again.

"I love you Jake" she said

She loves me?

"As a friend" she said

Just As A Friend.

Was this unexpected? Well read more when I publish more
Please follow me cause I follow back ;)

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