Brabrina III

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Sabrina's POV.
It was the next day, I was outside cafe Figaro on the table texting Row. She had said Peyton asked her out, and I was just stunned, they will be so cute together if they were a couple, but they're still cute as friends though. I looked up from my phone and sipped my tea from my mug, watching anyone who was doing anything. So I just sat there, waiting for anyone I know to approach.

Bradley's POV.
I was on the walkway, jogging, holding roses and a bottle with a note inside. I Was going to see Sabrina then suddenly Jake came jogging by and he stopped me, panting. And he was biting his fingernails
"Jake!! What's wrong with you?? Stop it!" I said to Jake
"What should I do?" He said
"What?" I said, puzzled
"It's Piper!! Man!! Can't get her out of my head!!" She suddenly yelled
"Calm down, look I gotta go" I suddenly said, leaving him
I away from him and was about to cross the road, I looked back, his face was held down and he was probably crying. I came back to him.
"Look sorry man, at least you'll get to see her in a dress" I cheered
He got up, "yea, I guess"
It was quiet for a bit.

"Why do you have a bottle and roses by the way?" He asked
"Oh it's for Sabrina, there's a note saying 'Do you want to go out with me" in the bottle" I said cheerfully
"Man, you're such a romantic, I hate you" he said
We both laughed
"Ok, ok you do what you do and I do what I do" he said
"Ok, I always be there for you man" I said
He smiled and we both said see you later and headed in separate ways.

Sabrina's POV.
I had my second cup of tea after finishing the first one, and listening to "thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran
Then I had a smile on my face after I saw Bradley coming my way.
"Hey" he said panting, (he had been running for me again, so sweet!!)
"Hey, Bradley" I said, hand gesturing
"Roses, for you" he said
"Oh, thank you" I grinned
"I have something for you too!! Here" I handed him the Boston Red Sox cap
"Thanks Bree" he said
I told him to sit down, and we talked for a while and he got up and got an empty bottle from his jacket pocket, it was a small bottle and I noticed there was a note in there.
"Someone told me to give this to you" he said
He handed me the bottle and I took the note out of it.

Dear, Sabrina
You are the sweetest person I have ever been with for these couple of months, you make me wanna dance around whenever and do things that are so epic, you make me less mature which is a good thing. I love the things we have in common and I love the way you smile, it makes me wanna smile too. So I'm writing this on paper rather then texting cause that's just not romantic at all, I would say it face to face with you but I'm too afraid I might stumble the words and start shaking and everything will be a mess. But what I'm really asking is.. Will you go out with me?

Love, Bradley

Bradley's POV.
I witnessed her reading, she was laughing and looking relieved and at the end she opened her eyes widely. She looked up to me. He eyes met mine and I was just there waiting for an answer. She got up, So I got up.
She hugged me.
"Of course, I'll go out with you" she said, hugging me again.
I smiled and hugged her as well

Sabrina's POV.
I hugged him, making sure it was a absolutely hundred percent yes.
I think he knew I was going to say yes anyways.

Hey peeps, how was this chapter? Make sure to comment if you like
And please follow me, if you want.
And I'm afraid the next chapter of all the couples will be the last one.

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