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Hello, this is my first story, so plz tell me how it is going. Not going to upload until i get at least some comments


"GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" yelled my brother, Alex.

 I huffed and got out of bed. Everyone in my pack hates me. For no good reason at all. I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen.

 " Finally, fatty decided to show up." he said, smirking.

 The rest of the pack that were in the kitchen laughed at me. I wasn't fat. Just a little chubby for a werewolf. If I were human I would look average. I have jet black hair that hung to my waist. I had dark blue eyes that were black around the color part. I'm also fifteen. I looked at the school slut, Sabrina, sitting on my brother's lap. They were making out now.


 My parents died two years ago from a rouge attack. They were the only ones that loved me and protected me from the constant teasing. My brother has blond hair and blue eyes. He used to love me, but traded that love for popularity. 

" Hurry up and make me breakfast. Jace's mate is supposed to be found today, and I don't want to miss meeting our alpha female." he said, staring at me in disgust.

 Jace is Alex's best friend and soon to be alpha. Today's his sixteenth birthday. You can only find you're mate if the male is sixteen. The way you know is when you touch each other you're wolf screams at you and you feel tingles. I quickly made pancakes and served them. Alex took a bite then spit it out.


 Then he slapped me. I sank to the floor and silently cried. I heard the laughter of everyone on the kitchen. I ran to my bicycle, ( I didn't have a car) and went to school.

I parked my bicycle. My brother came shortly after me, with Jace. I started running toward the entrance and bumped into someone. I immediately felt sparks.

"MATE!!! MATE!!!!!!!"my wolf screamed.

 I looked in shock into Jace's beautiful green eyes. It was as if I was looking at him for the first time. I noticed the natural highlights in his brown hair when the sun hit it just right. I also noticed the sadness in his eyes.

 "Mate" I whispered.

 Every werewolf gasped and looked at the scene in shock.

 "Me? Be mates with someone as ugly as you? I think not." then he started laughing.

 Then everyone else started laughing too. Tears started to blur my eyesight. He didn't want me. I ran away from the scene, my heart slowly breaking painfully. My wolf, on the other hand, was furious.


I took my bicycle and raced home. I took out a duffel bag and packed the few clothes I had and ran out and put it in my brother's motorcycle. Yes, I was stealing it. I smiled to myself. I'm finally getting payback after all these years. I put a note on the garage door, telling whoever found it that I ran away. I took the keys and started the ignition. I loved the purr of the engine. I hopped on, never looking back.

He found me. I never wanted to see him againWhere stories live. Discover now