Party Time

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"When do you have to be there?" Harry said through clenched teeth.

" In two days" I said glumly, looking at the ground.

" TWO DAYS?!!! BUT THAT ONLY GIVES ME A DAY TO BE WITH YOU AND PARTY!!!!!!!!" Harry yelled and whined.

"I KNOW!!!" I agreed.

Harry ran his fingers through his brown hair. A sign that he is worried and nervous.He sighed.

"How long do you have to be there?" He asked in a small voice.

" A year." I said, looking at the ground.

Harry walked to the patio steps and sat down on them and put his head in his hands. Then he looked up at me and grinned. He got a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Let's party."



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten hours later at a club~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"WOAH-HOOOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Me and Harry decided to go to a club. Me and him are currently in a bet to see who can get the most guys phone numbers, and I am drunk out of my mind.

"Tara, I'm going to beat the shit out of your mate. Who does he think he is taking you away from me, I mean I love you way more than HE does anyway!" Harry slurred.

" I know, let's agree right here right now that no matter what happens, we will agree to always love tacos, because tacos are awesome." I slurred, not even making sense to myself.

" Agreed" Harry said then he went to the dance floor and  started grinding on some random guy.

Taking Harry as an example, I went to the dance floor and started dancing. We left a couple hours later. We stumbled inside and we went up to my room because Harry didn't want to leave me.We both passed out on my bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a major head ach. I stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed some asprin. I swallowed five pills and went down stairs for something to eat. I thought about what I was going to do tomorrow. I was going to have to see the people that made my life hell. And with that happy thought I poured myself some milk and cereal. I ate slowly. Harry came down stairs and I nodded at him. He nodded back.He got some cereal and we both ate in a comfortable silence.

"So, how you feeling?" Harry asked

"Like shit"
"I ment about tomorrow"
"Scared" I said then looked down shamefully. An alpha should never reveal their weaknesses.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Your not the same insecure girl I first met. You've become stronger and more self confidate. Your sure of yourself that  nobody would dare incult you, and if they do, you can ship their sorry, lying, asses."He said,smiling.

I smiled at him gratefully.

"What would I do without you" I asked.

" Die a slow and painfull death"

We laughed and continued eating breakfast in silence. Later that day we packed all my stuff and I said all my good byes to my pack and drove off to where I lived as a child. My own personal hell.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Vote and comment!!

He found me. I never wanted to see him againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant