The Date

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Tara's POV

Nathan took me to a small corner restaurant that most people pass without noticing it. It only had four tables and four booths. An old lady, who's name I found out was Alice, owned the place with the help of her grandson, Clark.

As it turns out, I went with Clark to my old high school. He was one of the few humans there.

Nathan and I took our seats in a booth.

" So how did you become an alpha? " he asked me with curious eyes.

" Well, um..... it's a long story. " I said. I didn't want to tell him my past. I didn't want him to reject me like Jace had done.

" C'mon I won't judge you. I know that you started your pack but I just want to know why."

I could see he wouldn't let it go so I sighed and mentally got ready when Clark came up to us. He is currently our waiter.

" So, what are you guys having to drink?"

" I'll have a Coke." Nathan replied, never taking his eyes off me.

"And you?"

"Same" I said.

" Alrighty then, I will be back in a jiffy "

Then Nathan looked at me again, waiting for my story.

I sighed and explained to him how I was rejected by Jace. And then I explained how Harry saved me when I was on the brink of death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Flash Back*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I limped along through the forest in human form. I no longer had enough strength to be in my wolf form. It has been two months since I ran. At first to get money I sold the motorcycle. Now all that money is gone and I barely have enough energy to keep moving.

I tripped on a tree root and stumbled forward. I landed painfully on my arm.

I winced as I sat up.I looked at my arm to see that it was broken.

Well isn't that just fantastic. So I got up and continued to limp along.

A couple hours later I started seeing black dots dance in my vision.

Great now I'm suffering from lack of food.

I knew I was probably going to die soon. I just wish someone would care when they found my rotting body. Tears welled up in my eyes. Nobody cares about me. That was proven when my own mate rejected me. I could die right now and nobody would care.

" Hey!!! Are you okay?" A male voice said behind me.

I turned around to see a boy around my age with brown hair and eyes. I could tell he was a werewolf from his smell.

The black dots started growing bigger and bigger and I collapsed on the ground, unconscious.


I looked up at Nathan to see that he was shaking.

" Why would someone reject someone as stunningly beautiful as you are and just let you leave to fend for yourself?" He said through his teeth.

I looked at him, stunned. I expected him to realize how weak I was and leave, but he did the opposite. He defended me.

A smile broke out on my face from the happiness I was feeling.

I leaned over the booth and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. It sent small shocks up and down my spine. He stopped shaking and looked at me.

" Thank you."
A confused expression crossed his features.

" For what?"

" For caring, for not leaving, for defending me."

He looked at me with love in his eyes.

" I will do anything for you. " He said with sincerity.

I smiled. Clark chose that time to bring us our drinks.

After dinner we went to a cliff that over looks an ocean and the moon was high in the sky, sprinkled with stars.

" It's so beautiful." I said in awe.

" I know. " He whispered next to me.

I looked over and saw he was looking at me, not the sky.

I blushed and looked down.

He put his hand underneath my chin to make me look into his eyes.

" So beautiful. " He whispered.

Then he bent his head down and captured my lips with his.


So guys what did you think? Aren't they adorable? Remember to vote and comment so I know how people are liking my story!

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