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Tara's POV

It's been a week since Jace told me my pack would be coming here.

They're supposed to be coming today!

"Mommy? When are your friends going to be here?" Jason asked.

"Sometime today, sweetie."

"Oh, okay"

Then he went outside to wait for our pack. He was so cute!

He was patiently waiting outside on the step of the porch.

Jace's pack was waiting outside to greet my pack.

Jace was in front.

With Brittney by his right side.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the front to Jace's far left.

"So when is your pack supposed to be here?" Jace asked, bored.

"They will get here when they get here." I said with annoyance.

And on que, Harry pulled up in his black Pourche.

"Tara, baby!!! I have missed you so!!!" He yelled as he got out of the car and hugged me.

I laughed and hugged him back.

"I missed you, too!!!"

"Mommy who's this?" Jason asked.

I picked Jason up and held him to my side.

"Jason, this is my best friend and beta Harry. Harry, this is my adopted son, Jason."

Harry looked from Jason to me and smiled.

"Well hello there little guy!!!" Harry said with a smile, leaning down to meet Jason's eyes.

"Hi" Jason responded shyly. Then he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Umm.... Hi, I'm Alpha Jace....and you are?" Jace interjected.

"OH!!! You're Jace!! It's sooo not a pleasure to meet you!" Harry said, with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to....wait.... what did you say?" He asked, becoming angry.

"It's sooo not a pleasure to meet you!" Harry said just as pleasantly as before.

"I am Alpha here, you do not disrespect me!" Jace yelled.

"Woah, woah, woah. Guys, lets just chill, okay?" A male voice said.

I looked toward the voice and met the most gorgeous eyes ever.

"Mate!! Mate!! It's my mate!!" My wolf said.

Wait, how is this possible?!

He found me. I never wanted to see him againWhere stories live. Discover now