Deep Shit

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"Harry" I said hesitantly


"You know how my brother used to come to the mall all the time" I said


"Well, that dude that's walking toward us is him"

"WHAT?!" He screamed with anger clear in his eyes.

"Let me handle this"


"But nothing, I'm giving you an order" I said sternly.

"Fine, but I'm here if you want help kicking his ass" He said with no hint of humor in his eyes.


I turned around to get a good look at Alex. He grew five inches. He looked stronger, but luckily since he's not an alpha I'm automatically stronger than him. I was a little scared. I haven't seen him for more than two years.

Alex walked up to me and looked me in the eye.

"Tara" he whispered.

"What's up asshole" I replied smugly.

Surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he sniffed the air.

"So you're the legendary female alpha wolf. Who has received no alpha training what so ever. I must ask you, why did you name your pack The Rejects? It's like your trying to show yourselves as weaklings" He said with a smirk.

I immediately grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall.

"My dear stupid brother, don't make the mistake of insulting me or my pack. I am not the same weak sister you once knew. I took on fifteen rouges by myself and didn't get a scratch."I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"And I'm a witness to that!" Harry piped up.

I threw my brother to the ground and took Harry by the arm and led him out of the mall and to our vehicles.

"I must say, that was fucking awesome." Harry said, grinning.

"I agree. I smelt the regret and fear rolling off of him" My wolf said.

"Yeah, but now HE will know where I am." I said, talking about my 'mate'.

"Well if he even comes close to you,I will rip his fucking head off" Harry said smiling, as if he's already imagining it. Which, knowing him, he probably is.

When we arrived home my omega, Jessica, ran towards me.

"You have a letter from the council." she said.

The council is a council of supernatural elders that made sure all the supernatural species get along.

I took the letter from her and tore it open. I read it and cussed.

"What?" Harry asked.

" I have to get alpha training from other alphas or the council will name our pack a rouge pack and try to eliminate us." I said.

"Okay so what's wrong with that?"Harry asked.

" The alpha that's requiring this is my mate, and he's a teacher." I explained

"Shit" Harry said with a furious expression on his face.

He found me. I never wanted to see him againWhere stories live. Discover now