When you are home sick

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You knew you weren't feeling very well but you didn't want Blake to know because he had plans for you two to go to a movie later that night. You got out of bed and got dressed and put a little extra makeup on so that you didn't look as pale. (This is a beauty hack that I use all the time when I'm sick) Blake likes to sleep so you just got on your phone and messed around on just about every app that you had. He finally woke up about an hour later. He couldn't really tell that you weren't feeling well. You were a girl, you had a period, you got really good at hiding when you feel like your about to die. So Blake got in the shower and you walked downstairs to take some medicine. You weren't hungry so you didn't eat. Blake came down about 20 minutes later and he started making breakfast. great, you had to tell him you weren't hungry. And that wasn't normal because well, who doesn't like food. (Lol) He made everything and you tried your best to eat as much as you could. Blake was starting to tell you didn't feel well because you weren't eating. After a few minutes of trying to eat, you felt everything work its way back up your throat. (I AM SO SORRY. IT TOOK ME SOME COURAGE TO TYPE THAT. EWW) You excused yourself in the quietest way possible and made it to the bathroom just in time. By the time you were done, Blake was right beside you, rubbing your back and pulling your hair out of harms way. You started crying because I guess that's what you do when your sick. (I do that too lol) He was trying to tell you everything was going to be alright but you felt really bad because after everything you did to try and hold it back, you ruined the plans he had for you guys. You told him that and he just laughed. He told you that since you were sick, the plan had never really crossed his mind. So in the end, you both stayed home and watched SpongeBob and laughed at the stupid events that took place.

Hey guys. Okiee, so you guys are literally the best. I have so many votes and views. I love that you guys are engaging and commenting. So thank you sooooo much for that. I really want to hear your guys Magcon experiences or if one of them followed you or anything like that, cause that is awesome. Vote for this section if you are a part of the Magcon family. Odds are I will probably follow you. Stay beautiful. Love my Magcon fam!


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