Taylor Caniff

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Okiee, so this thing was bothering me. I was looking at the Magcon website because they are literally my life and I went through every single shows pictures for both days. I was looking and I grinned from ear to ear every time I saw Blake (My Husband) and Jacob (My Other Husband). I also saw Taylor and I love him to death as well. I just wanted to say that he is the most energetic performer out of all of them. He is engaged with everybody and he has the time of his life up there. He jumps around, lifts his shirt up ( I love that part) and he plays new songs that we all love. I think he really enjoys being up there and he really did miss it when the Original Magcon had the break. And then one last thing. Nash went and made a video a while ago about New Magcon. he said he didn't care what Magcon was doing and he claimed that he remembers what started his career but I honestly don't believe him. He doesn't care, that is true, but he also doesn't remember what started him. He left and said he didn't care. I don't understand. Anyway, I wanted to share my thoughts with you guys. Let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree but this is no hate towards Nash. Thanks loves. Love my Magcon fam. Stay Beautiful! -Lils

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