I see everything

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Everyday is the same

I wake up, eat, brush my teeth, and I'm out the door

I go to school, I learn, and I come home

My siblings do their own thing, my parents are

still at work, my older brother is a slave to

a screen

I sit in my room and listen to music. I

day-dream about the boys who will never

love me. I sit and I dream, the cycle repeats

I come downstairs. I "argue." I "never listen."

I'm nothing like I'm supposed to be

My siblings ignore me because I don't fit

In with them

My parents don't want to be around me

All I do is pick fights

Well, little do they know, I'm trying my

hardest to be the best sister I can


Little do my parents know, I'm trying to

be the best daughter I can be

But that's what they don't see

They see everything I don't do

But I see everything they do

Good or bad

I see the beauty in the world

But from my experience, beauty is way too

often disguised as a fake smile

Blake Gray ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now