TDI day 9!

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I’ve been on this show for a couple of weeks now and I’ve started to learn not to question things. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when a helicopter woke me up this morning. That didn’t make me any less mad. “What the heck?!” I yelled over the noise.

"Okay, that dude is starting to get on my last nerve!" LeShawna scream.

"Starting?! I think he just plucked my last one!"

"Whatever!" Heather said, "He loves just ruining our mornings. Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me...NOW! and remember-"

"Not too hot this time. I know!” Beth yawned.

I got dressed and went to the bathroom and there was a line. I was standing with about 6 people in front of me waiting for the bathroom.

“What’s the holdup?” Bridgette asked.

“Heather needs her private time” Lindsay said as if that was supposed to explain things.

“Then why doesn’t she just her go into her cave,” I said through clenched teeth.

“I’m with Celeste. How long’s Queeny gonna be in there? I got urgent business,” LeShawna said.

“She could still be awhile” Beth said.

“Ugh! That's it, I’m going lumberJack style,” Gwen got out of line and walked away..

Feedback from the loudspeaker informed up that our lovely host was about to speak. “I hope you're all ready for the most challenging challenge yet! Breakfast in 3 minutes at the campfire pit.”

“Um Heather?” Beth asked knocking on the door.

“Can one of you come in here and lotion my back? It’s peeling!” Heather said. We all backed away slowly leaving Beth.

We went to the campfire pit. “I hope you're all ready for today’s extreme! Max! Impact! Challenge!” Chris said.

“We are ready!” Owen laughed way too loud.

“Incoming!” Chris said throwing us cans of beans. “This is breakfast”

“No breakfast is crêpes, crescents, even Chef’s yucky burnt eggs,” Heather said.

“After you just took up the bathroom, you have the nerve to complain about breakfast?!” I asked Heather. Princess is really getting on my nerves.

“Beans, beans, they're good for the heart the more you eat the more you-” Owen sang getting hit with a bean can. Keep it classy Owen

“Today’s challenge it about survival, we’re going hunting” Chris said.

“Now that’s more like it” Duncan said.

“Hell yeah!” I cheered, “Let go shoot some deer!”

“Isn't that a paintball gun?” Harold asked. He was right. An orange paintball gun rested in Chris’ hands and made me more disappointed than it should have.

“Why yes Harold, it is” Chris said pointing it at him. Chris fired the gun and knocked Harold over.

“So we won’t be killing anything?” Bridgette sounded relieved about this while it just made me sad.

“Negatory, this is the first ever paintball deer hunt” Chris said. “I’ll announce the teams once we get into the woods sooo, finish breaky.”

Owen burped then sighed, “Got anymore?”

We all went to the woods to hear our challenge. “And now for the team breakdowns. The killer bass hunters are, Harold,Geoff, Bridgette. Locked and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the gopher hunters. LeShawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay, and Celeste.” Chris said throwing us our guns.

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