TDI day 17!

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Making up for the fact that I don't have #15 by posting 3 in one day!


Gwen was bummed about Trent getting’ the boot. “Girl, you have got to get Trent out of your head,” LeShawna said.

“I know. I just miss him so much already,” Gwen said.

“Well, nothing’ heals a broken heart like revenge!” I said to both of them. We all smiled sinisterly. Hehehe….

We went to the dock for the challenge. “Today’s challenge is a good old fashion game of Hide n’ Seek,” Chris said. I was fine with this, but my only concern was why was he holding a water gun full of potentially suspicious liquid. “You’ll all get 10 minutes to hide before Chef comes looking for you. With his military background, and advanced degree in man hunting, he’s uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard.”

“What’s with the water gun?” Duncan said. A laser pointer light was aimed at his head.

“The lifeguard chair is home base. When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape Chefs blast you can try to run to home base, but if he catches you on his way, he will douse you.”

“Oooohhh! We’re gonna get splashed by a bit of water!” Duncan said, “I’m so terrified!”

“Let’s hope that’s water,” I told him. It could be anything, and I don’t think I want to know what “anything” means in this context.

“Why don't you demonstrate, Chef?” Chris queued. Chef got his water gun ready and blasted Chris. He got pushed a mile away.“NOT ON ME, DUDE!” Chris yelled. I chuckled. That was very impressive. I went to the confessional./”I now know what I want for Christmas.”

“So how do we win this game?” Heather asked.

“You have 3 options,” Chris came back. He was drenched! “One, Don’t get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blast you. Three, once you’ve been caught, Help Chef find other campers. Do any of those, and you win invincibility. All clear?”

“Aaawww-uh,” Lindsay started to say.

“You have 10 minutes to hide. GO!”


I went to the confessional./ “I’ve never lost a game of Hide n’ Seek. This is gonna be easy!”/ I knew EXACTLY where to hide. I went to the Bass Girl’s old cabin, and hid behind an open door. I waited there for awhile...a long while. I checked my phone, it had been an hour. Eventually Chef came in. I stood there, holding in my breath. Not moving a muscle. He looked under the bed, under the covers, in the dresser (I questioned his sanity). When he searched in the dresser, I made a break for it. He must of saw me, because I heard “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE RUNT!” behind me. I went behind a tree. He blasted the water gun behind the same tree. But like in movies, I was hiding behind the next one by the time he got there. I took off running’ I saw the dock. Chef was right behind me. I ran faster then ever. I felt as though I was flying I was going so fast. I managed to tag base before Chef could reach the dock. Heck yeah! I have invincibility this week.

“Good job, soldier!” Chef said to me, patting me on the back.

“Uh..thanks!” I panted. Running that hard took a lot of my breath. I went with him to find the others. Bridgette and Izzy were there too. I didn’t notice that they were behind Chef until now. Bridgette smelt awful.  

We found Gwen when Chef stepped on her arm. “Ow!” she said, standing up immediately. Chef tagged her. She looked pretty angry.

“I just found Owen and DJ in the lodge so I guess I have invinciblity.” Heather said walking back from the forest. Great. Now I don’t know who’ll vote off.

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