TDI day 10!

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My bed is vibrating. Why is my bed vibrating? Did Chris make an earthquake machine. I wouldn’t be surprised. I sighed and looked around and noticed a bit of light surrounding my bunk. Oh, my phone. I put my phone near my face so I could actually see it with no glasses. It was 8:45am and I got a text from someone. Who in their right mind is awake at 8:45am?! It was from a random number that wasn’t programed into my phone. I opened it up and it was way to blurry for me. I gave up and grabbed my glasses from underneath the bed and put them on. Much better.

“Hey! I no this is dealyed bout 1or2 days but I like you too,” It read. Okay, that’s kinda sketchy.

“Who is this?” I replied back.

“Oh, right. Stupid of me to leave it out. Noah.”

Oh. It’s just Noah. Wait, telling me what?! Gotta love modern technology where you can ask someone out via text and it’s still considered romantic… Why did I have to grow up in this generation?

I still was happy by this, but suspicious. “How did you get my #? and how did u know i liked you?”

It was now 8:52am. It was still pretty early for anyone to be awake, but I still was afraid someone might wake up. Not that I was worried about seeing me text someone, but seeing me in my glasses, oh no! Can’t have that.

Noah replied. “Cody gave it 2 me. he also told me I should tell u. And, there are cameras everywhere. Livefeed just 4 the ppl who were booted off.”

“W8 what? Why? and tell cody I said thanks!” I started to question why I gave Cody my number in the first place but shrugged it off.

I never got a reply back. I shrugged. It was still early. Normally I would put my contacts in without a mirror, but today I didn’t have to. I grabbed them and walked over to the mirror that was in the room. I put them in and then threw my glasses back underneath my bed.

“Why are you awake?” Gwen groaned.

I shrugged, “Someone texted me and it woke me up.” No sense in lying. I don’t think Gwen would ask who.

Gwen stood up. “What time is it anyway?”

I looked at my phone. “Nine o’clock.”

I must of been loud because everyone else started to wake up after I said that. Oops. I got dressed quickly and ran down to the mess hall before anyone could yell at me for that.

I got my "food" and sat down. I sat alone for a few minutes down there until the Bass guys came in, yelling at Harold. I sat up a little in my seat, interested in their screaming match. As they walked by me they said, "Oh,Hey, Celeste!" "Hi!" "Hey!" "What's up?" Then continued arguing. I didn’t make anything out it because they were all yelling over top of each other. Whatever. I started to observe my slop on my plate and wondered what species of fungus it was.

A minute later Gwen came in. She grabbed her living organism and sat down next to me. “Someone has a boyfriend.”

I jumped back slightly in my seat. Where did that come from? “What do you mean?”

She pulled something out of her pocket and waved it in my face. “This.”

I grabbed my phone from her. “Where did you get this?!” I demanded.

“Relax, I found it on the ground on the way here,” Gwen laughed.

I raised an eyebrow, “And read through my messages?” I challenged.

She shrugged. “I was curious.”

“You seem way out of character this morning.”

She was about to respond when the Killer Bass girls came in. "Hey, Gwen! Hey Celeste!" Bridgette said, walking in.

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