TDI day 7!

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Owen stuck up the cabin and we went to the bonfire. “What do you guys want? Come here to rub it in?” Courtney asked.

“We got some extra dessert after our Tuck Shop party. Thought you might want some,” Trent said.

“So, what? You're just being 'nice'?” Courtney asked.

“Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out.” Gwen said as Owen farted again.

“Ew!! Dude!” Trent said.

Beth came over with green jello and offered Courtney some. “No!!, - I mean... no thanks; I'm good” Courtney freaked. She sounded scared of it.

“What, are you on a diet or something?” Duncan asked. No One acts like that it they're on a diet.

“No!! I just don't like green jelly, okay?!” Courtney said, leaving no room for argument.  

Beth came towards DJ and he saw the gummy worm that was in the center. However, he thought it was a- “SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” DJ yelled hitting the plate away causing the jelly to go on the floor.

“Chill dude, it’s just a gummy worm,” Cody said. He picked up the gummy worm off the floor to prove it.

“Sorry for tripping Snakes just freak me out!” DJ apologized.

“I feel you. Chicken’s give me the creep’s dude” Tyler said.


“You're afraid of Chickens?” Gwen asked.

“Wow, that’s…that’s really lame man” Duncan said. I went in the confessional. /“After that EVERYONE was saying their biggest fears. Harold’s was ninja’s, Heather’s was sumo wrestlers, and Beth said hers was being covered in bugs.”/

"My biggest fear? I guess, being buried alive," Gwen said.

I shuddered, agreeing with Gwen. "Mine? Uh… Well, Gwen’s is an extremely close second for me. But my biggest fear?” I sighed. “I guess it’s being outside in a thunderstorm.”

Everyone started laughing. “Thunderstorms? Like the one we had last night?” Duncan asked.

"...Yeah. I ran to the confessional like a sissy and hid there," I admitted, hanging my head in shame.

"That's pretty lame..."

I bit back my response and replaced it with another. "Then what's your biggest fear?"

Duncan looked scare to says his. He sighed and stammered through what is the lamest fear ever, "C-Celine Dion music store standees..."

Everyone laughed. "And you laughed at mine?!"

"Whatever! At least mine is more avoidable."

"At least mine is more normal," I retaliated.

Duncan hid in his hands. "Who's next?"

Owen answered before I could mock him further. "flying, man, that's some crazy stuff."

Izzy nodded, "I would never go on a plane, ever!"

"Walking through a minefield..." Lindsay's was surprisingly normal, "in heels." Nevermind.

"Bad haircuts," Sadie sounded traumatized at the thought of it.

"Oh, I change mine. That's way scarier than a minefield."

Cody had to think about it for a second. He decided on, "having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure." Why....why don't people have more normal fears?!

TDI day...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang