TDI day 4!

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I woke up and walked to the dining area. "Hey everyone, It’s Gwen!” Chris said as she walked in. My team clapped.

Gwen sat in beside Justin and Lindsay. “I’m so tired, I can’t feel my face,” Gwen said, letting her head fall to the table. That’s gonna hurt in the morning.

“Hey, fish heads! Way to kick out your strongest player!! Why don’t you just give up now?” Heather taunted. Courtney tried to throw her oatmeal at Heather but she blocked it making it hit Gwen. She didn’t care, she was basically dead.

“Missed me,” Heather smiled in victory. Courtney blushed in embarrassment.

“Ok campers listen up! Your next challenge begins in ten minutes. And be prepared to bring it!” Chris said. Okay, that freaks me out.

We all walked over to a giant gym place. I walked beside Noah. I kind of have a crush on him. A little bit after we were all in the gym, Duncan came in and plopped down in the bench. “Wake me up, and it’ll be the last thing you do,” Duncan said putting his head back down.

“Hey, it’s me in the morning,” I said, pointing to Duncan. I stood next to Noah and LeShawna. Tyler gulped and I rolled my eyes.

“This is your entire fault you know. You and your snoring face!” Courtney yelled at Harold.

“It’s called a medical condition, GOSH!!!!” Harold yelled in Courtney’s face.  Wow, Harold ticks me off. And I’m not even on his team. Chef blew the whistle making them stop talking, for once.

“Today’s challenge is the classic game of dodge ball. The first rule of dodge ball is-” Chris was interrupted.

“Do not talk about dodge ball?” Noah asked laughing with Owen. I laughed a little too.

“As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball, you’re out!” Chris said throwing it at Courtney.

“Ow!!” She yelled, getting hit. I smiled. “You can’t do that!!”

“If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and you get to bring out another player that’s not on the court.” Chris said.

“Throwing balls; Gee, another mentally challenging test” Noah said sarcastically. *Coughs* that’s what she said.

“I know right” Lindsay said, being serious.

Chris threw the ball at me. I caught it. “Nice job, Celeste. Now try to hit me.” Chris said. No problem.“If you’re holding a ball you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hand, you’re out.”

“So what do we do again when the ball comes at me?” Lindsay asked.

“You dodge,” Chris said. I hurled the ball at Chris. He ducked. It hit the back wall; somehow hit the ceiling, and then it hit Lindsay square on the head.

I covered my mouth and gasped, “I am so sorry!” I said, I truly meant it.

“Oooh! You were supposed to dodge,” Chris said. I helped Lindsay get up. She groaned. “You have one minute till game time. Gophers you’ll have to sit 1 person out each game.”

“Okay, we can’t get lazy,” Heather said, “The killer bass are going to try extra hard to catch up! Who wants to sit in the first round with sleeping beauty over here?” she pointed Gwen.

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