TDI day 13!

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Uh… Why does Chris always have to ruin our sleep? Today he decided to fly a plane right beside our cabins. We all groaned when waking up, got dressed quickly, and then went outside to see what all of the fuss was about.

"INCOMING!!!" Chris yelled. He went straight for us.

“Hit the deck!!!” Geoff yelled. He didn’t have to tell us twice. We all screamed and ran away from the crash zone.  

Chris landed, unfortunately, safely. “Just flexing your muscles for today’s EXTREME SPORTS CHALLENGE!” Chris said through a megaphone. We all cringed.

“Ugh it’s too early for this” Gwen said. I had to agree. It had to be about… I pulled out my phone. 7:30?! Please be joking.

“This week you’ll participate in 3 challenges. First up extreme sofa bed skydiving!!!!” Chris saidin the megaphone again. “Contestants will plummet...uhhh sky dive to awaiting sofa bed target below.” Chef demonstrated. The sofa bed had springs coming out of it and God knows what staining it. Chef jumped out of the plane that was 2 feet about the mattress and it closed on him. It looked kinda painful since Chef was moaning from underneath the mattress. “Of course you’ll be sky diving from 5,000 feet and using these,” Chris said throwing 2 parachute bags out. “Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ.”

“Sure, why not?” Trent sounded almost excited about it. “You know what they say on Death-cove mountain, brah. ‘The best glimpse of Heaven is on the way into Hell!’” Trent put his hand around DJ. “Let’s do this!”

“Yeah, uh, sure,” DJ croaked. “Bring it on.”

“Not so fast, cause the second challenge of the day is EXTREME RODEO MOOSE RIDING!!” Chris yelled. I hate that stupid megaphone. “Contestants will ride the great Canadian bucking moose for 8 seconds or get thrown into a pile of socks from the lost and found.” Chris said.

“That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home” LeShawna said.

“It’s your lucky day LeShawna you’re riding for Gopher’s and Geoff you’ll ride for bass.” Chris said.

“Yeah!!” Geoff cheered.

Owen went over to the moose. “He doesn’t look so bucky to me. Hi beautiful” Owen said. The moose then hit him.

“And the final challenge EXTREME SEA DOO WATER SKIING! Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags they can before crossing the finish line. While a member of the opposing team drives the skis.” Chris said.

“How can we water ski without water?” Heather asked.

“It’s really hard. Check it out” Chris said. Chef tried and got thrown into a tree. “Hahaha, awesome!! Harold you’ll ski for killer bass, and Lindsay for the screaming Gophers.” Chris said.

“Cool! I can model my new bikini!” Lindsay said while posing.

“Now for the cool swags whoever scores the most the most challenges saves their butt’s from elimination and wins a tricked out multi massage portable shower” Chris said. Oh yes! I have got to win that. “Ok gang. Chow for breaky and report back in 20 minutes for the extreme sports challenge.” Chris flew away causing smoke and dirt to blow in our faces. We all coughed/choked on it. Oh yay! The competition hasn’t even started and Chris is already trying to kill us.

After breakfast, I saw Gwen and Bridgette walking off . Both looked pissed at the world. "Whoa! Who woke you up on the wrong side of the bed?" I asked Gwen.

"Chris." she replied.

I laughed, "You know what I mean. Why do you and Bridgette look pissed?!"

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