TDI day 23!

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I’m normally a pretty heavy sleeper. But when something hits my head, even as small as an acorn, I will wake up. “What?” I said, rubbing my head. I sat up and couldn’t anything again. I had enough sense to know I was not in the cabins. Again, please be stupid… YES!

“Where are we?” Heather asked as I put my contacts in. Much easier than yesterday.

“How did we get here?” I wondered allowed after I got the second one in.

“Chris?” Gwen asked.

“Mommy,” Owen whined.

“Everybody, Shut up!” Chef yelled over all of us. “How you got here is not your concern!”

We all hopped out of the bed. “What happened to Chris?” Gwen asked. I nodded. After the last Chef challenge I did not wanna have another.

“It is not important what happened to Chris. I’m in charge now, and I’m going to make you wish you were never born. Your mission is to find your way out of the forest, or die trying.”

“You can’t be serious,” Heather said, “We will die trying.” I think that’s the point.

“Here’s how it works. Team 1: Cubby and Gruesome Chick. Team 2: Delinquent and Mouthy girl”-he threw us bags-“Everything you need is in these bags. You need to bring these to base camp. The first team to make it back to the totem pole, wins immunity. And here’s a tip: Better set up camp before nightfall, ‘cause once it gets dark, you won’t even see your trembling little hands in front of your terrified face. Unless, you got night vision goggles”-he held up his night vision goggles-“But you don’t.” Chef did this beyond creepy laugh that made me even more afraid of him then I was.

“This is totally bonkers! We’ll be scarfed down by a grizzly!” Owen said.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. You’ll wish you saw a grizzly after you meet up with old Sasquatchanakwa; he’s one mean mama-jamma,” Chef rode away on a helicopter ladder thing. Gwen gasped. I went to the confessional./ “I can’t believe I’m left alone, yet again…and even worse, this time I actually have to be on a team with Heather! God! I think I hate Chef more than Chris….think.”/

Two grappling hooks came down and took the beds. I opened the bag and rifled through the bag. There was some food bars, a compass, toilet paper, and other things that seemed almost useless. I grabbed the compass out. “You can’t do this! This isn’t legal!” Heather yelled at Chef.

“Contracts…” I reminded. There’s probably something in that novel of a contract that says that they can abandon us. If they allowed us to jump off a cliff, I’m pretty sure this is in there too.

“Well, I’m not sticking around here. Come on, Owen, lets go find camp,” Gwen ordered Owen. They went off in one direction.

“Where do they think they’re going?” Heather complained, “They can’t survive out there. They’ll-”

I interrupted her, “How about you shut up!” I sighed. “Camp’s north, we’ll just follow the compass from there. Simple enough.” I went to the confessional./ “One good thing about being paired with Heather, I won’t feel bad if I push her in front of me in case a bear tries to attack us.”/

We started walking. “I just hope we aren’t mauled by sascha-umacallits,” Heather said.

“Please. That’s obviously another stupid prank, Chef said to scare us. You’re always the one that says, ‘It’s a fluke.’ Or, ‘it’s obvious a survival challenge’, or ‘Chris is just trying to scare us.’” I pointed out. Heather rolled her eyes.

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