TDI day 24!

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  • Dedicated to Alex O.

I woke up in a room today. That was a pleasant surprise. I almost forgot what it’s like to wake up in an air conditioned room, on your own, at...8:27?! Ugh. Stupid show has got my sleep schedule messed up. I got out of bed and looked out on the balcony. About 7 other people were awake also. I shrugged and got breakfast. I sat down at the kitchen island right next to the stove where DJ was cooking. Today’s special was who the heck cares followed by OMG this is actual food.

DJ tossed me a plate of pancakes and bacon. “Here you go, Celeste.” Oh my gosh that smelled good!

“Thank you…” I said as though he just gave me a million dollar necklace. The food was so beautiful! If I didn’t say I shoved the food down my throat, I’d be lying. DJ took a step back as I crammed the pancake down my throat. “Sorwy.” I choked out.

“You must have been starving,” DJ said, sounding scared.

I swallowed my food. “Yeah… can I have seconds?”

DJ threw batter on the pan. “I never saw you eat this much on the island.”

I shrugged. “Can you blame me?” He nodded his head to the side to say “true”. I chuckled, “Back home I eat worse than Owen.”

“I have a hard time believing that.”

“What do you mean?” I wasn’t sure if I should take that as a complement or not.

“You look like a twig,” Noah came down the steps, commenting. I would like to know how long he had been listening to that conversation. He nodded towards me. “Hey.”  

“Hey,” I replied. “And the only reason for that is boarding school. I went to a military camp basically.”

“Not surprised,” Noah said sitting down next to me. Duncan, Lindsay, and Harold came down.

DJ looked at me. “You went to boarding school?” He sounded shocked.

“Yep, ‘Alexandra Alle Boarding school’ named after the worlds best female criminal. She eventually turned good, created a school, blah blah blah, stuff I’ve heard a million times,” I repeated most of it from the history I’ve learned about the school every week.

Duncan stopped. “Wait, you went Alex Alle?”

I looked at him and looked confused. “...Yeah…” Something hit me. “Hold on, you’re that  Duncan?!”

“And your that Celeste?” Duncan laughed.

My jaw dropped. “Holy crap, you look completely different without a buzzcut.”

“And you look different without the uniform!” Duncan gasped.

I rolled my eyes. “Just because I don’t have a military outfit on doesn’t mean… Okay, yes it does.”

“Hold on, wait,” Noah interrupted. “What are you guys talking about? Did you used to be friends or something?”

I shrugged. “Not really friends. We talked to each other and argued a lot.” Duncan and I were always paired up for projects. We pretty much hated each other because of it. Our last names are very close so we were alway sitting next to each other, always doing projects, always...just always.

“You wouldn’t listen to any of my ideas!” He complained.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, because you always wanted to blow up the school.” Every project, “Let’s blow it up!” It got annoying.

“Please, we could have learned a lot,” Duncan said.

“The only thing I’ve ever learn from you is self defense and how to pick a lock!” Yep, Duncan is where I learn the basics of being a criminal.

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