Marimoo and jackarooney

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Marks POV
I woke to the sound of a snoring Jack. I had to giggle to myself. He was asleep on my shoulder. His hair was an absolute mess. A little bit of drool was on my shirt but I didn't mind. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. How could such a wonderful person have had such a bad past? Why would anyone want to abuse this angel?
"Good morning jackarooney." I said quietly into his ear.
"Good morning markimoo." He mumbled in a very tired voice. I blushed at the nickname.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked. He looked up for a second. Then he smiled like a maniac.
"Mark!" He said now fully awake. "I didn't have a nightmare about my dad. In fact I didn't have a nightmare at all! I haven't gone all night without a nightmare since I was eight!" His already huge smile grew larger.
"That great Jack!" I replied. I was happy that he finally got a full night of good rest.
"Come on Mark!" He said leaping off the couch.
"Where are we going?" I said standing up a bit slower than he did.
"To the ice cream parlor!" He ran toward the door and then looked back at me. "Aren't you coming?" He said genuinely confused. I just pointed towards his legs and he started blushing. All he had on where his boxers and one of my shirts. He ran up to my room to get dressed. I just sighed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Time skip

We finally made it to the park. Jack has been so happy all day. I guess not having a nightmare just gave him a major boost. But I was tired. I did not have the energy he did. He ran over to the swing set instead of the bench.
"What are you doing? Aren't you tired?" We had walked the whole two miles here and now he wants to swing?
"Of course not. I told you I slept well. Come sit down with me." He said. He was still going strong. I finally just took the swing beside him. It had been so long since I had been on a swing.
"We will have to go home in like an hour or we will have to walk home in the dark." I said. I turned to him when I got no answer. He was still sitting in the swing smiling like a little kid. He turned to me.
"I think the reason I didn't have a nightmare is because you were there." He stated. I was confused by this.
"Why do you think it was because of me?"
"You have made me feel safe since the first time I saw you. You have always just seemed so loving and caring. I don't know. You just help to feel safer." He said. His voice cracking at the end. Our little world of fun times and happiness had been obliterated and the world of seriousness had taken its place. It was amazing how highly of me he thought.
"Thanks Jack. I didn't know you thought about me like that." I said. I was a little confused by how much he liked me.
"You're a good friend Mark." He said. And when he said the word friend my heart broke. I didn't know how much I liked him until I heard him say friend. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but I felt like my world had just shattered.
"I love you Jack." I said realized too late how awkward that sounded. He just sort of turned to me in amazement. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.
"I love you too Mark." He said and then turning toward me. Before I knew it his lips were on mine, and soon enough I was kissing him back. Time stopped and the world was just Jack and I. I loved him so much.
Yayyyyy! Happy chapter. This is my favorite chapter so far and I really hope you all like it too. Okay. See u in the next chapter!!!

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