He's here

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Jacks POV
"Hey marki." I said still half asleep.
"Top of ta mornin to ya Jack" he said with a terrible Irish accent.  I put on my best fake offended face and he broke out laughing.
"We should totally go get ice cream today!" I said now fully awake.
"How are you already full of energy? We just woke up for God sakes!" Mark said laying his bed back down on his pillow.
"Don't make me use my ultimate weapon!" I warned with a devilish grin.
"Hit me with your best shot." Mark mumbled into his pillow. I then jumped on top of him and grabbed at his sides.
"STAPHHHH IT! That tickles!!!" Mark said as he bust into a fit of laughter. Soon enough he started to tickle me back.
"Ah FUCK!" I yelled. I then started to try to stop him which gave him the opening to flip me onto the bed. He jumped on top of me and started to tickle me more. "Fucking hell Mark. I'm gonna kill you!" I said before another fit of laughter went through me.
"You started it." He said laughing. "Don't mess with the markimoo!" He said and then climbed off of me. "Well now that I'm awake we might as well go get some ice cream." He then grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.
"Yay!" I screamed like a child. "Instead of going to the parlor maybe we should just go to the store and get a big tub of it. Then we can go to the park and have a ice cream picnic!" I said. I know how childish I must have sounded but honestly I didn't care. I just wanted to have a fun day with my markimoo.
"Okay." He stated acting like it was a bad thing then he just smiled at me. I jumped off the bed and went to his bathroom.

Time skip

Marks POV
Jack seemed so excited to go to the park with a big tub of ice cream. He reminded me of a little kid. I got dressed decent and combed my hair. When I went down stairs Jack was already standing by the door ready to go.
"Come on!" He said while walking out the door. I hurried after him. On the way to the store he skipped. I giggled to myself. How could anyone hurt someone so innocent? Why would they want to? Jack was absolutely giddy as we entered the store.
"Ohhh. Let's get cookies and cream!" He exclaimed getting more excited by the minute. I grabbed the biggest tub of cookies and cream ice cream there was. I walked to the cash register with a happy Jack at my side.

Time skip

We finally made it to the park. Jack took a seat on the swing and I took the one next to him.
"Thanks for this Mark." He said seeming way too serious about a tub of ice cream.
"It's no big deal dude. It is just a tub of ice cream." I replied.
"Not just for the ice cream. You helped me every time I needed you. Even when you didn't know me you helped me. Thank you. So much" he said with a smile. I smiled back.
"Your welcome my jackaboy." I leaned into kiss him as he suddenly pulled away.
"What's wrong Jack?" His eyes were wide his whole body was shaking. He was starring at something in the distance.
"He found me. I can't get out. He found me again. I can never get away. He will always find me. He will always catch me. It will never stop." Jack kept rambling these things under his breath. I took his hand, but it was like he couldn't even feel it. I pulled him into a hug. 
"He will never live a happy life."

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