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Trigger warning
Marks POV
I held him close to my chest he was shivering like crazy.
"Jack. I need you to calm down. I won't let him hurt you anymore. Please just take my hand and follow me. We're gonna go home okay. You will be safe there." I said in a calming tone even though I felt anything but calm inside. He stood as I did. I started to walk back towards my apartment. Jack followed but he kept his eyes glued on the sidewalk. I could still feel his hand trembling. "Jack. Calm down. I'm here. I won't let him do anything to you. We will be home soon." I whispered into his ear trying to make him feel better.

Jacks POV
I'll never be safe. He will always find me. Why can't I escape? Why does he still want to hurt me? I need to run. I take off down the sidewalk. I hear Mark screaming my name behind me but I can't stop. I have to run. It's the only way to get away. I need to run. I hear marks feet pounding on the sidewalk behind me. He is still screaming my name but I don't stop.

Marks POV
Jack started running. I chased him screaming his name but it was like he couldn't even hear me. I got faster until I was right beside him.
"Jack. Please stop running. I won't let him get you." He started to slow down at that. Soon he was at a walk. And then he stopped. I put my hand on his shoulder. I didn't even say anything else. I just pulled him into a hug. He started to quietly son on my shoulder. I rubbed small circles on his back. "Let's go home." I whispered into his ear after he calmed down a bit. He nodded his head and started walking again.

Time skip
Jacks POV
Mark left the apartment to go get some groceries. I was sitting in his bathroom. The razors were just screaming at me to pick one up. So i did. I held it on my arm for a second. I hesitantly raked it across my arm. It hurt like hell but I deserved it. Not even my own dad loved me. I should just kill myself before I have time to hurt anyone else around me, but I can't. I don't even have the guts to do it. The blood started to pour from my arm. I don't care though. I need to feel pain right now. I need to punish myself for not being able to kill myself. Then I hear the front door open.
"Jack! I'm home!" Mark yelled. I heard a bag of groceries hit the floor.
"Okay Mark. I'll be out in just a minute!" I yelled back trying to hurry to clean up the the mess I made in marks bathroom. I then grabbed the bandage and hoodie I remembered to bring with me and put them on. I walked down stairs to meet Mark.
"You have fun grocery shopping." Asked with a laugh as if nothing was wrong, but marks was too smart for that. He saw right through it.
"What's wrong Jack?" He questioned me. He had a serious look on his face. I broke down into tears. I just totally lost it. How could someone so good love a fool like me? He held me for a few minutes before pulling away. "What happened Jack?" I just stood there looking at him until he pulled up my sleeve and saw for himself. He pulled me into another tight hug. Why does he still love me? Why can't he just hate me so I can end it?

Marks POV
I pulled up jacks sleeve and confirmed my suspicions. He had deep cuts all the way up his arm. I just hugged him. "Why Jack?" I asked not pulling away from the hug.
"I deserve it. I'm a terrible person who deserves to
die, but I don't have the guts to do it." He said pulling away and looking into my eyes. He had tears running down his face and I realized I did too.
"Jack. You are not a terrible person. He is a terrible person. You are a little angel and I love you to peices. Please never do this again. Please never think you are not good enough for this world. Please never think you are not good enough for me. You are my little ray of sunshine. Please don't take my sunshine away. " I said as the stream of tears on my face started to increase. He pulled me back into another hug.
"I'll never do it again Mark. Just please stop crying."
" I'll try my best, but I love you so much. Please don't do this to me ever again." I said trying to stop the tears rolling down my face but they just keep coming.
"I will never hurt you like this again." He said and a smiled and kissed him deeply and passionately.
"I love you, so much"
"I love you too"

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