Chapter 2

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Normal POV

"Hey  Toshiro, I would be going to the world of the living to investigate on something. This is a secret investigation, so make sure not to tell anyone. Even Isshin, or Yama on the matter."  You said, looking at the white haired third seat in front of you. 

(a/n 50 years ago, before Toshiro became the captain of squad 10, he was the former 3rd seat. It was written in the manga, and MAYBE mentioned in the anime. I haven't watched bleach in a year now actually, but I still read the weekly manga. Peace~)

"I promise I wont. May I at least know the reason your going to the world of the living in the first place?" he asked.

"I cant tell you, I'm sorry." you crouched down to his height and ruffled his hair since he was half a foot shorter than you. (a/n In case you didn't know, Toshiro is about 4'4" and a half.)

"But what about my Bankai training?"  he asked intently. You were the one who conducted Toshiro's  Bankai  training since you have a lot of free time in your hands.

"I told Isshin to be in charge of that. Since I told him I would be visiting a relative from the Rukongai for a week. And dont worry, I will get you some candy when I get back." You said with a wink.

He just scowled and rolled his eyes. "Baka." he muttered.

You left the squad 10 barracks and grabbed a gigai wearing a purple peace sign shirt, jeans, and a blue jacket, a modsoul without a soul in it, the anima dissimulatrix (thats what you named your invention. It means 'soul concealer' in Latin. And yes, I did use google translate) as you purposely left your hell butterfly in order not to be detected.

You were now in front of the Senkai Gate. And decided to put your plan into action. You swallowed the empty modsoul as your soul duplicated (a/n like what Kageroza did with the modsoul. I know its filler but still. Thank you filler for the ideas) you put on your gigai and suppressed your reiatsu to absolute zero. It's the thing only you can do, no one else can go that far. They can suppress it but it still leaks of reiatsu traces. Aside from concealing of reiatsu, one of your strong points is also detection. You can sense reiatsu even all the way from the world of the living to Hueco Mundo. You dont do it often though, so not much people know about that ability.

And then, you put on the anima dissimulatrix to replace your reiatsu with a human's. You turned back to the duplicate. You pulled out your zanpakuto and swung it at the dup-, er... yourself with full force that caused the ground to shake, and blood to splatter everywhere. You cut your duplicate diagonally in half, and not only the duplicate, the ground too. You cut off the duplicate's head off which was a really terrifying sight to see since well.... you were basically beheading yourself. You sheathed your sword back to its original place and placed a kido spell on yourself that makes you invisible.

Before you left the 'crime scene' and entered the Senkaimon, you whispered, talking to no one in particular, "I'm sorry Toshiro."

You left as you went inside the Senkaimon without a trace of evidence that you could still be alive. You didn't have to worry about the modsoul since it evaporated from the impact you inflicted upon... er... yourself. You started running as you found yourself being chased by the Kototsu.

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