Chapter 5

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Your POV

I currently just was wandering around the Sereitei in my black cloak with the hood on. I felt the fresh air brush past against me and what a peaceful night it is even at such a chaotic affair. Even though the Sereitei has probably put it to a war time set kind of thing, I felt calm. It wasn't like a kind of war where there was blood spilled everywhere, or the kind of war without reason. It felt, as if, even though with all the fighting here and there, it felt... peaceful. It has been probably a couple of hours since my encounter with Byakuya and since then, I haven't been spotted, yet.


Byakuya's POV

(a/n in Byakuya's POV the time has a difference and in his POV is just when you escaped him. Okay? The two POV's aren't happening at the same time. But when it says like '2 hours later' then you have the same time thing on POV's now. Kay? Don't forget to comment and vote ;)  XD)  

'That Ryoka was able to outrun me? What's more, judging from this Ryoka's reiatsu, its a human. How did a mere human manage to outrun me?' I thought as I replayed the scene in my head. 

And what's even more amusing, is that I wasn't able to see this human's movement. As much as I hated to admit it, if I fought this person, I probably wouldn't be able to catch up.'

I noticed I had been standing there staring into space when I decided to talk to the nearest captain about this. I saw Captain Hitsugaya in the squad 10 barracks talking to his squad members.

"Captain Hitsugaya." I said.

"What brings you here, Captain Kuchiki?" Captain Hitsugaya asked.

"I want to discuss about something with you, if you don't mind." I said calmly.

He excused himself from his squad and went inside his Captain's office as we sat down on the couch.

"What is it you want to talk about?"

"Have you felt any unknown reiatsu lurking around this area?" I asked.

"No, I have not, why? Does this have something to do with the six Ryoka that were spotted around the Sereitei?"

"Yes actually. To be precise, there aren't only six ryoka that have infiltrated Soul Society." I started.

"There aren't? Then how many are there? Ten?!" 

"No, I just caught a Ryoka spying on the squad 10 barracks (a/n so in other words, Byakuya thinks you're a Yandere. Reader: Stop Interrupting the story! me: sorry sorry! let's get back to it then! yeeesh!). Careless as always, Captain Hitsugaya.  To put it, there was a seventh ryoka we did not know about." I finished.

"A seventh? What happened to the seventh ryoka then?"

"I have been outrun." I bitterly said not accepting the fact that I have been outrun by a ryoka. What's more, a HUMAN ryoka.

(a/n I past tense it OUT RAN but it just sounds wrong. Like, im not used to it. So i just used out run, period. Please dont grammar nazi me. Even though I know this is reverse psychology, you'll grammar nazi me. I dunno. took me 5 minutes to spell psychology and then I gave up and searched google. XD) 

"You have been Outrun? May I have more details about this Ryoka and HOW you've been outrun?" 

"I have been outrun by in terms of speed, to a point where I cant see the Ryoka's movement-" I was cut off by Captain Hitsugaya.

"You have been out run in terms of speed to a point where you can't see the Ryoka's movement? Please explain what happened, precisely." he demanded 

"Like I said earlier, I saw the Ryoka spying on squad 10, I told the ryoka to surrender or to die while I positioned my sword at the ryoka's neck. And then, all of a sudden, the ryoka was able to go behind me without me reacting to it on time but I  think the ryoka showed mercy and decided to not attack me and just escaped instead."

"Unbelievable." Captain Hitsugaya said.

"What's more amusing is that, that ryoka is a HUMAN." I said and started muttering about how my pride has been defiled and destroyed by a human.

"HUMAN?!?Are you absolutely sure Captain Kuchiki???" The young Prodigy said, astonished.

"Yes, I'm absolutely certain."

After that, I had issued a Captain's meeting involving the 7th Ryoka. After the captain's meeting, which took two hours, I decided to roam around the Sereitei to look out for the Ryoka, especially the seventh ryoka. That ryoka could be a real threat to the Sereitei, but  what kept bugging me was, 'How can a human have that much power yet, with a human's reiatsu no stronger than that quincy I fought back in the world of the living?' 

I came across the same person I met who escaped me earlier, with the same black cloak and everything.

"We meet again, Ryoka." I said.

"Same goes for you Kuchiki Byakuya." with the voice heard more clearly I confirmed that this Ryoka was female.



If you wanna see some action~ Gotta be the center of attraction~

Ahahah sorry guys this chapters soooooooooooooo short like, 800 words only! I am so sorry for the short update. I'll try to update again and yes, I was listening to 'Number One' while writing the ending part. Hope you liked it! I'll try to update today! ;D Peace out!


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