Chapter 5 Part 2

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Your POV

"Same goes for you, Kuchiki Byakuya." I smirked.

"What is your purpose for infiltrating the Sereitei?" Byakuya asked

'To rescue Rukia, Genius! I wonder if Nobles lack common sense.' I wanted to say but instead, I said, "Why would would you want to know? And isn't it obvious? To rescue Rukia, genius!" yep, I had to say it. The hood still on top of my head, covering the upper half of my face.

"Surrender now or your fate shall be sealed." He said coldly.

"Ahh. I'm so scared. Help me." you said sarcastically. "And didn't you say the exact same thing last time?"

"You leave me leave me no choice then." Byakuya said as he unsheathed his sword and well, the 3 words you didn't want to hear when your trying to keep your FREAKING IDENTITY A SECRET.


'I'm so dead.' I thought.

"Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." He said with no emotion at all, while dropping his zanpakuto to the ground and well, you basically know what happened. This happened:

'Okay (Y/n), think. You have two choices and think fast before you probably get sliced into a million bits.' you thought to yourself. 'First choice, remove the anima dissimulatrix and then take out your zanpakuto, or die on the spot by a thousand cherry blossoms. I'd go for the first choice.' you said, removing the bracelet you made which made your reiatsu exposed and spike up to only 1/5th of your reiatsu, which is more than enough to bring Byakuya down, while taking out your zanpakuto.

"What the- you're no human are you?" you heard Byakuya say obviously suprised with your change of reiatsu, and it was obviously weighing down on him like as if it was the heaviest thing in the world. He is literally now down on one knee without me doing anything.

"Obviously not. My reiatsu literally is written 'Shinigami' all over it." you retorted.

Why did I plan to expose my self in the first place? Like, am I not scared anymore of Soul Society and Central 46 finding out that I'm not dead? Yes, I'm actually scared right now, for the people I cared about to be hurt once again, to simply know I am alive is unforgivable. I exposed it mainly because I put a kido barrier around this area so the people outside the barrier wouldn't sense my reiatsu. ONLY people in the inside, which in other words, is Kuchiki Byakuya. I was just hesitating wether to reveal my reiatsu to HIM in case he somehow remembers, but with that being 50 years, well, I doubt as much.

Byakuya finally was able to adjust to the reiatsu I have emmitted and stand up again.


Normal POV

(a/n cuz my fingers keep on typing 'you' for more than ten times now ;D)

Byakuya took no hesitation to use his hands to control the cherry blossom-like blades knowing you are fast. This time, he can see you, but only glimpses. To him, you seemed faster than a video recorded on time lapse. But to you, he seemed slower than a video taken in slow motion.

You weren't even making a move yet, you were just dodging the blades as they whizzed past you here and there.

You decided to sheathe your sword and not use it instead and tried to think of this like a simulator to put your skills to the test on how long you will last with only hakuda and kido.

Byakuya seemed surprised with your sudden action of sheathing your sword.

"Why did you sheathe your sword? Did you possibly think that you can defeat me with only your bare hands?" he questioned.

"Yeah, pretty much." you said. This pretty much ticked him off because his reaction to this was pretty much EXACTLY how you expected it to be.

"Tsk. Cocky arrogant brat." yep, that's Byakuya alright. You just sighed.

The Cherry Blossom Petals came at you with full force, this time you didn't run away. You wanted to show that cocky taichou the difference in power. You wanted to show off a little bit, you know?

"Hado #33 Sokatsui!" You shouted. It deflected the 'Cherry Blossoms', leaving the Squad six Captain astonished.

Everything was going well until this suddenly came up;

"Shuukei Hakuteiken." you mentally face palmed. Did I forget to say that you were the only person who was able to counter this attack before without the use of a zanpakuto? No? Okay, now you know.

Your senses acted quickly and you started on defensive, "Bakudo #81: Danku" okay, you are probably wondering, how can a kido spell without an incantation be enough to stop THAT? Well, you're just THAT powerful. But of course, for safety purposes you added a second layer, just in case it breaks the first one.

He came at you, forwarding to the bakudo spell you cast, thinking it's going to break at some point but hey! You trained him for years too you know, as a captain. You seen his bankai for more than a million times and it never gets old. When he was still a child, you would always see Yoruichi 'playing' with Byakuya with a game of tag. But the true meaning behind that game is to train him on flash step even more. You know that for a fact.

You didn't notice you were having a throwback thursday kind of thing when you probably missed alot on your fight. Because the next thing you knew, you saw Byakuya on his knee who obviously crashed into the Danku. What's more, not a single one of the barriers broke. Before you left Soul Society, when you were still conducting training on the Captains to improve their skills, Byakuya would always manage to break at least one of the barriers.

"Defend yourself, Kuchiki Byakuya." You said, he seemed taken aback at this and did not get ready for the attack.

"Hado #63 Raikoho!" you attacked, and he wasn't able to defend himself. So he got hit, and is currently on the ground, wounded by your attack.

"You have become weak, Kuchiki Byakuya. It seems you do not live up to your reputation." you said coldly. You walked to where he was lying on the ground, bleeding. Looking at him with utter distaste to the person he has become.

"Why don't you just finish me... Please, I am a disgrace to my clan." Byakuya pleaded.

"Tsk." you said, pissed off.

"Pathetic. It's truly a pitiful sight to see a Noble on the ground like this, defeated, what's more, had given up. No, more than that, surrendered to the opponent easily. It has much more honor to die in battle, than give in to you opponent. I have expected more from the Head of the Kuchiki Clan." you stated, not satisfied with the fight he had put up with today.

But you smiled lightly, " See to it we shall engage in battle another day, and I expect you to have improved not only your fighting skills, but your fighting spirit as well." you said as he fell unconscious and you helped speed up his recovery process by using Kaido and then walked away from the battle field.

You saw the anima dissimulatrix lying on the ground. You pick it up and put it on. You also destroyed the barrier that concealed the reiatsu within the area. Even though Byakuya was your enemy now, he still was your friend.

You flash-stepped to look for a place to sleep for tonight, knowing that tomorrow's going to be a long day, again.


Hey guys! I got 1120 words, only! im so sorry! but this IS the part 2 right? Oh yeah, sorry for the slow updates and short chapters.... GOMEN!

dont forget to comment and vote! :) thanks! it means alot for just one vote! It gives me the spirit and motivation! :) Peace out!


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