Chapter 12

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Me: 50 years. Fifty years since-


A/n YOOOOO!!!! Long time no uh... Type I guess? Haha, anyways... Sorry for the better update, if you saw my post in the conversation thing in my profile, I will change that abit since well, I think (or believe) that you guys are just probably itching to find out what may come next in the story (even though it is probably hella predictable) or whatever. I just feel bad for making you guys wait for so long lol 😂 anyways, don't waste your time reading this crappy author note, on with the story! Enjoy!😉

Your POV

I could see nothing but a white door, it's contrast to the dark place that I seem to be at is almost blinding. I did not even seem to know how did I even get here.

In fact,

Where am I? I only remember sitting on top of a roof with Toshiro at Orihime's house. The rest... I don't really seem to remember. How did I get here?

"Open it."

A voice, that came out of nowhere, said. It's a voice of a little girl, and it shocked me for how it the sound rung the entire space I was in despite having no walls.

I opened the door to see a white room, there was an all to familiar figure that stood there. It was her.

"Long time no see. I missed you, so much, you know." I said, voice dripping with sarcasm, she broke into a sadistic smile.

"Missed you too, princess, but sadly, you don't really have time for introductions." She said, a playful smirk on her lips, indicating something was up.

"And why is that?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well, put it off simply, I want to make a deal with you, and it's impossible that you will not accept my offer."

"Oh, and just how sure are you that I will indeed accept it?" I taunted, challenging her.

Her smile grew wider, "Because right now, at this pace, if you don't accept it sooner or later, Toshiro's going to die." I frowned, glaring at her.

"Hurry up, in 2 seconds in the human world, or in other words, 2 minutes in this place, I will be launching an unstoppable Cero, that not even a captain deflect."

I cursed at the situation that I am at right now, "Tch."

I swallowed a lump forming in my throat, "Fine... What's the deal?" I reluctantly asked, finally giving in to her offer.

"Well..." She tapped at her chin, as if to say she was thinking about it.

Growing impatient, I finally broke my supposedly calm demeanor, "We don't have all day! Tell me now!" My palms were sweating, though they were cold, my foot tapping at the white flooring like as if I have been waiting for an hour or so.

"Ah! Right!" She made a eureka gesture with her previous hand that tapped her chin. "It's simple, really. The deal is, well... Your side of this is that I am giving you full access of my powers for three months, no more, no less. And in return for that, my side of the deal is that you defeat Aizen within three months. If you do defeat Aizen, I might actually reconsider visiting you every three months and entirely give you my full power for your lifetime. It's a win-win situation!"

I stared at her, wide-eyed. What else should, or rather, can I say? There was nothing to lose. "I accept terms and conditions.", I said.

"Well, you've got yourself a deal, then."

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