Chapter 3

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Normal POV

You were shocked. Not because of the Gillian's reiatsu, nor  the size of the hollow. But you were shocked by the very presence of this Gillian. Why? First of all, what is a Gillian doing in the world of the living? All the more reason for you to believe Aizen was the one who sent this here is that you're pretty sure he is targeting Ichigo, his blood flows with all hollow, human, and shinigami. And Aizen's probably 'conducting' an experiment right now. Trying to bring out Ichigo's full potential. Knowing Aizen's true colors, he thinks of this as a mere game. He thinks that it's not fun if it's a one-sided battle. 

You heard someone; either Ichigo or Uryu, ask Rukia what is that thing. She said something back at them about only seeing it in textbooks and pictures and that a Gillian is compacted with hundreds and hundreds of hollows.

"-what are you doing kisuke, do you want him to die?" Rukia said as you saw she was caught in a binding kido spell.

"Rukia, have more faith in Ichigo. He's clearly on par with that hollow. For now, let's just watch." You said calmly, winking at her.


It's been a month since the swarm of hollows and the Menos Grande appearance. Strangely, you thought the soul society would be a little faster on this, but you guessed they were probably busy. You became really close with Ichigo, Rukia, and Uryu. You became friends with Chad, Orihime, Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuiro but you weren't really that close with them.

(a/n im not really sure about the whole timing part of which is which so im pretty confused so please bare with me. so I just assumed that it was 1 month after ichi became a shinigami that they met uryu, so right now it becomes 2 months. I dunno. Help. XD Gomen haven't watched bleach in a long time. I will try to do a rewatch on the weekend or on my spare time. )

 It is already late at night as you helped Kisuke take care of the store since you didn't really have anything better to do. It became a strange habit of yours, it sometimes gives you a nostalgic feeling. Maybe it was because of the candy you sorted.

You felt a strong yet all too familiar reiatsu fill up the air. It belonged to a Kuudere that's was not exactly the one you liked to tease since his responses are just too.... not normal. It belong to the all so famous, captain of squad six,

Byakuya Kuchiki.

You sensed another reiatsu that belonged to your 'student' in the advanced class from Shino Academy. The redhead, Renji Abarai.

"I'll go for a walk. I'll be back, see you later Kisuke." you said as you left the shop.

You then sensed Rukia's reiatsu that was no where near Ichigo or his house. (a/n in here, reader chan doesn't know about the offense rukia committed by transferring her powers to a human) You were about to go see her but then you felt Byakuya and Renji's reiatsu near her. You can't leave Rukia alone. So you started running toward her destination which was kilometers away! 

"Ah! I hate this stupid gigai!" you muttered to yourself, trying to refrain from cussing for going so slow. You had a high endurance but you weren't worried about getting tired, you were frustrated at how slow your traveling. 

'If only I could just take out this gigai and use shunpo to travel there... but that would be risky. Especially with Byakuya here, I swear, he's like a freaking hawk! He can detect anything! And by removing my gigai, it will take an amount of time for the anima dissimulatrix to adapt to my soul form.' you thought. You were the type of person to think things through and not to act so rashly and act over feelings only.

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