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"Run, Clara!" his charming voice screamed out to her from a mile away. She took off into the forest, feeling the strong wind brush past her face, having to jump over many dead branches.

Clara still had no clue what she was running from, but she didn't intend to find out. Eric was nowhere to be seen and she had no idea where her legs were taking her. She came to a halt and looked around when she heard the sound of a loud branch snap.

"Hello, " Clara calls out. Silence comes afterwards as she cautiously walk forwards.

"Boo!" a familiar voice yells. Clara nearly jumped out of her skin. Her eyes settle on Eric, who was bent over laughing.

"Eric!" she scolds him and slaps his shoulder once he stood up. He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth before walking towards her.

"I'm sorry babe, but you should have seen your face," He chuckled hugging her from behind.

"That wasn't nice," Clara pouted and tried to get out of his strong grip, but failed.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as kissed her cheek, before turning her towards him.

"Why was I running in the first place?" Clara asked as they started to walk back to his jeep.

"Nothing, I just wanted to reenact Forrest Gump," he smirked and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how it went," she chuckled.

"Oh well," he said and opened his car door for her once they reached.

"Where are we going" Clara questions, looking out the window at the unfamiliar scenery.

"It's a surprise," Eric sang, not taking his eyes off the road.

"I hate surprises," she mumble under her breath and continued to look at the open fields of grass, and tranquil lakes.

"Alright, we're almost there, but you're going to have to wear this blindfold," he said pulling out a red scarf. He had pulled over on the side of the road.

Clara looked up at him questioningly.

"Please?" he begged.

"Fine," she said, taking the blindfold and tying it around her head.
"Can I take this off yet?" Clara asked after they finally came to a stop and she heard him take off his seat belt.

"Not yet, " he said before exiting the car, the slam of the door startled her, raising her heart rate.

Clara heard her side of the car open and felt an arm slip around her waist and the other take her hand. " I sure hope this is you Eric," she smiled and secured herself into him.

"It is relax," Eric mumbled into her ear, guiding her one step at a time.

"This better be a good surprise, " Clara mutter.

"And here we are, " he said before the pitch blackness of her eyes disappeared and landed on an amazing sight. A candlelight dinner by a beautiful lake.

"Oh my god, " she said, eyes starting to water.

"Do you like it?" he asked doubtfully.

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