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That is Destiny in the GIF, and yes, she is played by Mila Kunis. Deal with it :)

Destiny sat on her couch flipping through her TV channels, boredom consuming her. When she finally landed on an acceptable channel she laid down, her eyes on the screen. "Mommy?" Noah called from down the hall.

Destiny sighed and stood up making her way to her.

"Yes, Noah?" Destiny asked, walking in a sitting on the little one's bed.

"Where's daddy?" Noah said, sitting up, her long brown hair falling behind her back.

Destiny sighed and placed her hand on her daughters face, "Daddy's at work, but he will be home soon" she said smiling slightly.

"Daddy is always working, he never has time for me anymore," Noah said, her voice low.

"Don't say that Noah, your daddy loves you very much and he would do anything for you" Destiny said placing her on her lap.

"Do you guys love each other?" Noah innocently asked.

She sighed once more, "Yes, we do Noah very much" she lied.

"Good" Noah smiled, then climbed back into her bed. Destiny smiled and leaned down, kissing her forehead before turning off the light and exiting the room. She frowned, she felt horrible for lying to her own daughter, Her and Eric weren't even together and she just told her that they were in love with each other. Honestly, Destiny did love him, but Eric was still hung up on Clara and he held only love for her. Which gave her another reason to hate her sister, well half sister.

She had grown up under her mother's last name Williams, but that was never her real name. Her mother had an affair with a man named Paul Higgins, and she was born to him. After he had found out that Destiny's mother was pregnant, he cut her off completely and she was left to live with a low life named Oscar who she had married when Destiny was born. Thirteen years after that Paul's wife had found out about her and she started doing drugs in which she eventually died.

Destiny hadn't even met Paul, but she knew all about Clara. How she lived a luxurious life and never had to work for anything for a day in her life, and she hated her for that.

Then one day after saving enough money Destiny moved to Massachusetts on her own, with just a suitcase and her hope in her heart. Fast forward five years, when she was eighteen she came back to visit L.A, and to see her mom. Only to find out she had passed away, but it was never confirmed how. Oscar, however, went to jail for it and Destiny was left without a family. That's when she met Zayn. He had helped her out her dumps and showed her that someone out there did love her. Until he left after he found out she was pregnant, after one mistake on New years eve.

He had dumped her saying that he didn't want the baby, but she made him pay child support and let her and Ian stay at his house because she had nowhere else to go. Destiny was still in love with him at the time, even though he only tolerated her because he had to, but he had an on and off again girlfriend named Emily. Destiny loathed her too. This was around the time she had met Clara for the first time, and she couldn't handle being around her. Clara had tried to reach out to her, but she refused hatred consuming her.

But today Destiny decided that she didn't want to be lonely for the rest of her life, she wanted to have a family, so she picked up the phone and dialed Clara's number.


"What are we going to do with her?" Clara asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Zayn sighed, "We have to make her promise not to tell anyone, she basically know's everything now, " he replied glancing over at the redhead.

"I can hear you, you know" Sarah replied, but the two completely ignored her continuing their conversation.

"Okay, Sarah, you are going to have to swear to us that you won't tell anybody about this" Clara said kneeling down beside her.

Sarah nodded her head, "First can I ask a question?" Sarah said looking at the both of them.

"You just did" Zayn pipped up.

Sarah rolled her eyes before continuing, "Who's the mother?" Sarah said. Clara's eyes widened as she looked over at Zayn who was mirroring her expression. Before either of them could respond the bedroom door busted open, they all looked to see Niall is standing in the doorway, nacho's in his hand. He looked up to see them all staring at him.

"Oh, hi guys what are you doing in our bedroom?" he asked confusedly.

"Nothing we were just leaving," Clara said, grabbing Zayn's wrist and walking out the door, not before giving a warning glance to Sarah.

"What was that about?" Niall said, walking over to their bed.

"Nothing," Sarah said quickly.

"Okay then, " Niall said, before turning on the TV. Sarah made her way out of the room, leaving him alone. She made her way outside, her mind filling with millions of questions.


"You see why you can't do this, what if that was Emily or Harry listening at the door. He already hates you for leaving how do you think he is going to react when he finds out we have been keeping this secret from him for so long?" Clara said following Zayn to the living room.

"Well, we are just going to have to stealthy then, no one can know about him okay. His birthday is coming up you should at least we should at least go visit him on that day" Zayn whispered after hearing voices coming from the living room.

"Okay, okay, but just remember that both our asses are on the line here," Clara said before entering the room.

Zayn took a deep breath before following after her. The room became silent as the two walked in, all eyes landing on them. Emily made eye contact with Zayn and she instantly got up and ran to him, jumping in his arms. Clara decided to give the couple some space and walked over to Harry sitting on his lap.

"Hey, everything alright?" Harry asked her smiling as she sat down, Clara glanced over at Emily and Zayn who were kissing each other, then at Sarah who just entered the room. They made eye contact and she smiled slightly, which Sarah returned before sitting next to Liam.

"Yeah, everything is great, " she smiled pecking his lips quickly before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Babe your phone has been ringing all day, can you answer, it is annoying" Harry called out from the shower. Clara's phone had been buzzing on the dresser for a good few minutes, but she didn't hear it. She was too busy looking out the window at Zayn and Emily, who were talking in the garden. Clara finally snapped out of her daze and picked up the phone.

She read an unknown number on the caller I.D. Confused, she pressed the answering button, "Hello?" Clara said taking a seat on her bed.

"Clara?" the person said on the other side.

Clara recognized the voice almost instantly.


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