25.New Years Eve {Part 2}

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"So what was the plan again?" Zayn asked for the fifth time on the plane.

Clara groaned, running her hand over her face.

"I'm not telling you again, " she said from next to him.

Zayn sighed, "Fine, when are we are going to land?" he asked.

"In two hours," Clara said checking her phone.

Zayn groaned.

"Why don't you take a nap?" she suggested.

"Okay, " he said before reclining his chair a little and closing his eyes.

Clara sighed in relief, she finally had some time to think to herself. She was hoping that Harry would be easy to find and that he would forgive her. She looked out the window, her mind filled with thoughts. She didn't know what was going to happen when they landed in New York, she hadn't been to her hometown in over ten years, and now she was finally going home. She wondered if her grandmother still lived here with her cousin James. She had missed them so much, but she had to set her priorities straight, and that was finding Harry and convincing him to go home with her. She didn't know how considering New York was a big city, and he could be anywhere, but she had a feeling of where he might be. Kendall's penthouse.


December 31, 2015. Time: 3:00pm

"You never told me what the plan was," Zayn said, sitting on the hotel bed. They rented a room for one night considering they wouldn't be able to get another flight till tomorrow.

Clara sighed, "I told you like six times, but you didn't listen, " she said packing out his clothes.

"Tell me again," Zayn said.

"Fine, okay, so I called the host of the Times Square performances tonight and I asked and they will squeeze you in tonight"

Zayn's eyes widened. "What?. I don't have anything prepared, " he almost yelled.

"Relax, I set everything up for you already the band is on their way here, they'll make it here by nine and the show starts at ten, so when you're on stage you are going to apologize to Emily on live TV because I know she is going to watch it, then while you're doing that I'm going to find Harry at Kendall's party and hopefully he will be there. Then I'll convince him to forgive me and then we all go back home together tomorrow" Clara said in all one breath.

Zayn nodded his head, but he clearly didn't understand what she said, but he didn't want her to say it again.

"Okay, so get ready you got to go to sound check," Clara said, throwing so clothes at him.

"Why the show is not for seven hours" Zayn complained.

"Exactly so get ready, we need to go, I have someone I need to see," Clara said before exiting his room and walking across the hall to her own.


December 31, 2015. Six hours until midnight

"Hey, Grandma" Clara said, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh my gosh Clara it has been so long, look how you have grown" Elaine smiled hugging her.

Clara laughed, pulling away, "I missed you, grandma, how have you been?" Clara asked.

"I've been great darling, how about you, how are you holding up after you know?" she asked, referring to Alex's funeral a few months ago, which she was not able to attend.

"I've been good, how about you is James still around?" Clara said.

"I'm great daring and yeah, he's right upstairs why don't you come on in," Elaine said closing the door behind her.

"James your cousin Clara is here" Elaine called up the stairs as she walked into the living room taking a seat on the couch.

A few moments later, Elaine joined her and sat next to her a tea tray placed in her hands. "Here you go," She said, handing her a cup of tea.

"Thank you, " she replied, placing it next to her.

Soon after James came down. He was only a year younger than Alex was, but he sure didn't look like it. He was only a few inches taller than Clara, he had auburn hair and brown eyes just like his mother, Erica, her dad's deceased sister.

"Hey Clara" James smiled, wrapping his arms around her, lifting her off her feet.

"Hey James, " she smiled, hugging him back, surprised at his strength.

"Jeez the last time I saw you, you were like five and so small, now you're hovering over me and Elaine" Clara laughed and James joined her.

"Yeah, I know, well, I got to go I have to go meet Taylor," James said walking towards the door.

"Bye Grandma-" he said, kissing her cheek, the hugging Clara once more.

"Bye Clara" he smiled before walking out the door.

"Who's Taylor?" Clara smirked knowingly, sitting back down.

"The 'girlfriend' is what he calls its" Elaine rolled her eyes, sipping her tea.

Clara laughed, "They grow up so fast, " she stated.

Elaine smiled, "Tell me about it, " she joined her laughing.


Two hours till midnight

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine?" Clara said to Zayn trying to calm him down. He was sweating like crazy, his hands shaking.

"I don't even know what to say to her, " he said, looking at her nervously.

"You'll think of something, just go out there and win your girl back" Clara smiled, giving him a quick hug before he was called out on stage. He ran out and Clara heard the crowd go crazy. She slipped away and went to find her man. She knew it was going to be hard, but she had to try she couldn't lose him, not again.

She parked on the side of the road and walked into the building. The person at the front desk greeting her.

"Hi, um I'm here for Kendall's party, " she said nervously.

"Okay, Invite please?" the man asked.

"Invite?" Clara asked, her eyes widening.

"Yes, mam you need an invite in order to go upstairs" the man explained still holding a hand out. Clara sighed and walked away, then quickly ran for the elevator that opened.

"Hey, wait!" the man ran after her. Clara didn't even know which floor the party was on but she figured it would be the top. She quickly pressed the close button, and it closed right before the man could catch her.

She took a deep breath, her heart racing even more as she watches the numbers go up. Finally, when the door opened, the smell of alcohol and lust reached her nose. Her eyes landed on multiple party-goers grinding on one another to the obnoxiously loud music. The multicolored flashing lights almost blinding her. She didn't know how she planned on finding Harry here, but she had to try. She took a deep breath and exited the elevator stepping onto the hardwood floor. Operation: Finding Curly was underway.

Cliffhangers are the best, aren't they? Hope enjoyed it, comment and vote if you did, Have a fantastic day or night, depending on your time zone. See you :)


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