13. See you later

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One week later

"Not again," Clara said to herself as she once again tried to get out Harry's grasp around her waist. The only difference was that they were in her bed instead and she hadn't cried herself to sleep that night. She looked over at Harry who was snoring, his mouth slightly open, his hair up in a man bun.

She leaned over and placed her lips on his. She could feel him slowly wake up as he started to kiss back. His hand traveled to her hair and the other tightening on her waist. He flipped over so that he was hovering over her.

Clara detached her lips and her eyes met his emerald-green one's. "Good morning, " he smiled, leaning down to kiss her once more.

"Good morning, " she smiled, kissing his nose. Harry laughed, lying back down on his side of the bed.

"I don't think friends sleep in the same bed do they?" Clara asked, turning on her side to face him, her hand supporting her head.

"I think we passed the friend category a long time ago " Harry laughed once more glancing over at her.

Clara joined him, resting her head on his chest.

"So what are we then?" Clara asked, looking up at him.

"Well, I would love to call you my girlfriend, but you're still married" Harry pointed out stroking her hair softly.

"Right" Clara sighed, laying back on his chest again.

"Have you talked to him since?" Harry asked, referring to what happened over a week ago.

"No, not since" she said, placing her hand on his chest.

"Maybe you should, get some closure and maybe finalize the divorce?" Harry suggested.

Clara smiled to herself, looking up at him, "Well, isn't someone eager" she laughed leaning up to kiss him.

"Well, when someone as beautiful as you are is at stake, you get antsy " he smiled kissing her once more.

She smiled, then climbed out of the bed. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast, and you got to start looking for a job" Clara said throwing a pillow at him.

"But a job is work, " Harry whined stuffing his face in the pillow.

"That's the point, " Clara sang skipping into the kitchen.

"Hey dad," Clara said, answering her phone that was obnoxiously ringing on the table.

"Clara?" he said, he sounded as if he had been crying.

"Yeah, dad are you okay?" Clara asked, lowering her voice in concern.

"I- just come to the hospital, okay, please?" he begged his voice starting to crack.

"Okay dad, I'm on my way" Clara hung up running her hand through her tangled hair.

"Harry?" she called out swallowing her coffee.

"Yeah babe?" he responded. Clara's heart fluttered at the nickname.

"Can you drive me to the hospital?" she yelled walking back to the room to get ready. Harry has been already there getting dressed.

"Yeah, sure," he said, pulling his shirt over his head.

"I got to take a quick shower," Clara said, walking over to the bathroom.

"Okay," Harry said going to follow her.

She turned around causing him to bump into her. "What are you doing?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Living With No DirectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang