34. Unexpected Surprise

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"Are you sure he has no idea I'm coming?" Clara asked through the phone, she struggled to pull her maternity shirt over her head, it had been about four months since Harry and Destiny left, and her stomach was blooming.

"I'm positive we have hidden this from him for a month now and he has no idea that you are coming. Tonight we have a concert, but Harry said he isn't feeling well, so he will be at the hotel, and you will surprise him there" Liam smiled into the phone.

"Thank you so much, Liam, I will see you at the airport in six hours," Clara said.

"See you," Liam said before hanging up.

Clara was excited, it had been a while since she had seen Harry and she was anxious for him to see her finally growing stomach. Clara zipped her last suitcase and made her way to her living room.

"You ready?" Emily asked her, her car keys in her hand.

"Yep," Clara said, Emily took the suitcases from her out to the car. Soon they were off seeing the people they loved.

Six hours later

"Liam!" Clara yelled, smiling, she hugged him tightly.

"Hey there" Liam laughed, hugging her carefully due to her stomach.

"Hi Liam" Emily smiled and give him a hug as well after Clara detached from him.

"So how is my best friend?" Liam asked Clara.

"Hey, watch it, buddy, I'm the number one best friend" Emily warned.

Clara and Liam laughed simultaneously.

"I'm great Liam, how about you?" Clara asked.

"I'm doing well, okay now let's get you to the hotel, I have to go to sound check, so I will drop you off then go straight there, let's go" Liam informed them before leading them out the airport and into his car.

"Alright the room is 201C, I'll see you two later," Liam told them then drove off. Clara and Emily looked at each other after looking at the tall hotel building. The scenery was beautiful they were in Miami and the band was performing at American Airlines. The two walked into the hotel and checked into getting rooms of their own, which so happened to be right on the opposite sides of Harry's room.

Emily walked into her room to unpack her stuff, but Clara couldn't wait to see Harry so she walked into his room. However, she didn't expect to see what she saw, Harry lying in the bed naked next to none other than Kendall.

"Oh my god!" Clara screamed. The two instantly woke up, Harry falls to the floor while Kendall covered her body with the blanket.

"Clara?, I swear this isn't what it looks like," Harry said, scrambling to find his clothes. Clara stood there her mind blank, she didn't know how to react strangely no tears were forming on her face, with her mouth ajar she turned and ran away.

"Clara?!" Harry called after her with the only piece of clothing on him being boxers.

"What's going on?" Emily said, walking out of her room. Harry ran a hand through his hair, punched the wall close to Emily's face.

"What the hell Harry?" Emily yelled at him, Harry ignored her and walked back into the hotel room to Kendall smirking on the bed only in her underwear.

"She is such a drama queen, you ready for round two?" Kendall smirked.

"Get out" Harry mumbled.

"Oh come on Harry-"

Harry cut her off

"GET OUT NOW" He screamed.

Kendall scrambled to grab her clothes, Harry slammed the door in her face, his back sliding down it. Tear brimmed in his eyes as he gripped his hair tightly in his hand. He knew that he messed up, and this time Clara was not going to take him back.

Clara couldn't even make it outside without bursting into tears. She sat in the corner of the elevator sobbing. She didn't want to move, she only wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there forever. The door slid open as it reached the lobby floor.

"Clara?" a familiar voice echoed as they entered the elevator.

Clara recognized the voice almost immediately, "Louis?" she looked up to see her ex-husband standing a few feet away from her, some stubble present on his chin and his original hairstyle back upon his head.

"Funny seeing you here," Louis said, holding out a hand to help her up.

"I could say the same for you, " Clara smiled weakly.

"Wow, I guess you and Harry got busy," Louis said, referring to her baby bump.

Clara frowned at the sound of his name, a few tears falling down her face.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked her.

"Harry he-" she couldn't even get the words out without bursting into tears.

Louis embraced her carefully and stroked her hair, "You need to calm down because you can't tell me what is wrong if you are upset, so relax" Louis soothed her.

Clara took a deep breath before speaking once more, " Harry, he, he slept with Kendall" Clara said, it hurt her so much to say those words.

"What?, okay, I'm going to kick his ass," Louis said, pressing the floor of Harry's room.

"Louis don't please" Clara begged.

Louis sighed, "Alright, but I'm going to talk to him later, I need to knock so sense into him," Louis said.

"Can we go somewhere I need to get away from here?" Clara said, her voice low and weak.

"Sure, come let's go," Louis said leading her out for the building after pressing the button for the lobby.


"Since Clara is not here to do it, I'll do it," Emily said before slapping Harry square across the face.

A red handprint forming on his face, "Oww" he whined.

"Oh, shut up, how could you cheat on Clara, you hurt her so much before and now when she finally trusts you, you break her heart, god you are such a jerk, and I could call you much worse, but I will leave that to Clara, what the hell is wrong with you?" Emily yelled at him, pacing back and forth while he sat on the bed fully clothed.

"I get it, Emily, I messed up and now I probably just lost her forever" Harry cried.

"Look, if you really want her back to go get her, don't just sit on your butt and wait for something happen, go make it happen," Emily said pushing him towards the door.

"What am I suppose to do?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, do something to make her fall in love with you again, because if you don't, you will lose that baby and her forever, and don't come back until you fix this" Emily said before slamming the door in his face.

I know you guys probably hate Kendall a lot in this story, but this is no shade towards her I love her very much in real life. Anyways tell me what you think and please vote and comment. Only one chapter left until the epilogue. Thinking about writing a third book tell if you think that is a good idea, bye lovelies.


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