20. When Destiny Calls

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"Hey, Clara it's been a long time" Destiny smiled, placing the phone in between her shoulder and her ear.

"Yeah, it has, almost five years now," Clara said, she was still surprised that Destiny, since the last time they met she wanted nothing to do with her.

"Yeah, um, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for some lunch?" Destiny reluctantly asked.

Clara's eyebrows raised, "Oh, um sure what time?" Clara asked. Harry entered the room with a towel around his waist, he noticed Clara was on the phone and stood there intrigued as to who she was talking to.

"Sometime around one, I'll just come over to your house" Destiny replied.

Clara's eyes widened, "No, no that's okay, I'll meet you at your place" Clara responded. Destiny coming over would be a bad idea considering Zayn is here, and Harry has no idea about her.

"Okay, see you then," Destiny said before hanging up. Clara let out a shaky breath, running a hand over her face, she turned around to see Harry standing there. Clara jumped her heart rate picking up in her chest.

"God Harry doesn't scare me like that, " she said, trying to catch her breath.

"Who was that?" Harry bluntly asked, his wet hair dripping onto the floor.

"Oh, uh, just an old friend" Clara lied, trying to smile convincingly.

"Oh ok," Harry said not completely convinced. He walked over the dresser, pulling out a shirt.

"Harry?" a squeaky voice called from downstairs it belonged to Kendall.

"What does she want?" Clara asked, clearly annoyed.

Harry sighed, "I'm about to find out, " he said before putting on some sweatpants and exiting the room.


Destiny sat on her front porch a smile on her face. She was glad that Clara had agreed to go to lunch with her, even though she had been bitter towards her all these years. Suddenly thoughts about Ian made their way into her mind. She hadn't seen him since he was a baby and wondered what he looked like, or he even is able to talk now or know's his alphabet. She felt a pain in her chest, she missed her little boy and she needed to see him. She still had a good two hours before she had to meet up with Clara so she quickly ran inside.

Noah woke up from her nap when she heard her mother scrambling around the house.

"Mommy?" she said, rubbing her eyes. Destiny stopped right in front of her door.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie that I woke you, " she said entering the room.

"What's going on?" Noah said.

Destiny smiled, "I'm going to visit someone, why don't you come with me?" Destiny said lifting her up in her arms.

"Who are we going to see?" Noah asked, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Someone that is dear to my heart, I know you'll like him, " she smiled before working to get her daughter ready.


Sarah lay in her bed looking up at the ceiling. Some many things in her mind, she couldn't keep track. Niall left to go play football with Liam, leaving her by herself in her thoughts, the information she only learned an hour ago weighing heavy on her chest. It was personally hard for her to keep secrets, even from Niall, how was she expected to keep this from everyone. She had basically blurted out her life story when she arrived, making a complete fool of herself. Sarah sighed and turned over in her bed, hoping that sleep would somehow mask the way she was feeling right now.


Eric opened his front door, placing his bag on top of the kitchen table. He sighed, running a hand over his face, "Destiny?" he called out but didn't receive a reply. Confused, he walked over to Noah's room only to find it empty. He took his phone out is packed and pressed Destiny's contact. It went straight to voicemail which caused him to start panicking. He ended the call and let out a shaky breath. He decided the relax and wait there until they came home. Which hopefully would be soon.


Destiny took a deep breath once she pulled up to the house. The house where she had hidden away for nine months, the house her son had grown up it in, the house where it all started. She looked back at Noah, who was intrigued by the building they had pulled up to.

"Why are we here?" Noah asked now looking at Destiny.

She smiled, "We're here to see your brother, " she said unbuckling her seat belt.

"Brother?" Noah asked a crease forming on her forehead.

"Yes, now come on let's go," Destiny said before opening her car door and walking over to her daughter's side. Noah stepped out and curiously looked at the two-story house.

"Come on Noah it's okay," Destiny said, reaching to grab her hand. The two walked up the front steps hand in hand. Destiny's heart was beating thunderously in her chest and her hands were getting starting to get sweaty.

Noah noticed her mom's nervousness, and she looked up at her and smiled, "Why are you nervous?" Noah said once they stopped in front of the door.

Destiny sighed before replying, "It's just been a while since I have seen him, and your grandmother" she said.

Noah's eyes widened, "I have a grandmother," she said, jumping up and down excitedly. Destiny smiled and calmed her down. Destiny was about to knock on the door when Noah stopped her pulling at her arm.

"Is he going to like me?" she asked.

Destiny laughed, "I don't how anyone who cannot like you, Noah," she said before quickly knocking on the door. A few moments later the door opened to reveal Trisha. Her eyes widened as they landed on Destiny and a little girl standing next to her.

"Destiny?" she said in shock.

Destiny smiled, "Surprise" she replied.

Hello, people who are still reading this story. There you go another chapter, hope you enjoyed it, vote and comment if you did. Later Lovelies


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