12. Alex

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"Alex?" Clara called out on the other side of his door. He wasn't answering and she had banged on the door for the past three minutes. She sighed and took a hairpin out of her hair and bent down to pick the lock. They had a therapy appointment and they were not going to miss it.

After finally hearing the click Clara pushed the door open. Her eyes landed on Alex, only he was lying on the floor not moving.

"Oh my god?!" Clara screamed her hand clasping on her mouth. She suddenly felt weak, her legs like jelly as she ran over to him shaking him lightly. He didn't move a muscle still laying unconscious on the floor.

"Dad come quick!" Clara cried, pressing her fingers to his neck check if he had a pulse. When she felt his heartbeat, she relaxed a little. Her father came rushing into the room a look of worry on his face, he is frozen once he saw the scene in front of him.

"Dear Lord, " he cried, running his hand over his face.

"Quick, call 911" Clara yelled tears running down her face. Paul nodded and ran out of the room, leaving Clara alone with Alex.

She sobbed pushing his hair out his face, "You're going to be okay, " she mumbled, she didn't receive a response.


A few hours earlier

"Back again I see?" Eric half smiled as the young man he had met only yesterday walked into the bar once again.

"Yep, give me the strong stuff" The man sitting on the same stool.

"I don't think that's a good idea, do you even remember yesterday?" Eric asked wiping the counter.

"Some things give or take, " he started running a hand over his face.

"Wife troubles again?" Eric asked, pouring him only one glass of vodka.

"Broke up, " he said, taking a sip from his glass.

"Oh, I'm sorry, man," Eric said sincerely.

"Yeah, me too, " he halfheartedly said, placing his glass back on the table.

"I'm going to stop you now wouldn't want you to become an alcoholic " Eric laughed, taking the glass away from him.

"Thanks" Louis said, laughing with him.

"So you're going to get a divorce?" Eric questioned.

"Probably, but it hurts you know, I love her, but I have to move on," Louis said weakly.

"Well, now you don't, you can sulk for a bit, then you have to pick yourself up and move on. You can't exactly move on so quickly now can you?" Eric inquired.

"Or maybe I can " the man mumbled, realizing something, "I gotta go," he said hurriedly.

"By the way, what's your name?" the man asked, getting up out if his seat.

"Eric, " he replied.

"Well, Eric, thanks for the talk," He said taking out his wallet.

Eric shook his head, "It's on the house-" he paused waiting for a name.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson, " he said smiling.

"Tomlinson?, You're from that band One Direction, right?" Eric asked.

Louis laughed, "Used to be, we broke up a few months back, " Louis said.

"Oh, that's too bad my daughter loved you" Eric replied.

"Daughter?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah Noah she's six" Eric smiled.

"Well, she sounds lovely, I would love to meet her sometime?" Louis said walking backward.

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