21.Little White Lies

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"You really can't expect to come back into his life after all this time," Trisha said eyeing Destiny.

"Trisha, please, give me a chance. I need to see him and I want him to meet his sister" Destiny replied, looking down at Noah then back up at Trisha.

"Sister?" Trisha glanced down at the little girl beside Destiny. Noah gave her a small smile before nervously hiding behind her mother's leg.

Trisha sighed, "Fine you get two minutes, " she said before stepping aside, letting Destiny and Noah into the house.


Harry walked down into the kitchen to find Kendall sitting at the island a bottle of scotch in her hand.

"Heyyy Harrryyy" she slurred smiling.

Harry sighed and walked over to her talking to bottle out of her hand, "Isn't there a moment that you aren't drunk" he said sitting down beside her.

She giggled before hiccuping.

"What was it that you wanted?" Harry asked growing impatient with her.

"You" Kendall said, slightly leaning over.

"Wait, what?" Harry asked, his eyes widening.

"I want you, Harry, only you" mumbled before placing her lips on Harry's.

It took a while before Harry could react, but by the time he did it too late. Someone had already seen them, a glass falling to the floor breaking the kiss. Harry looked over to see Emily standing there with her mouth slightly ajar.

"Emily?!" Harry said, but she ran away, him chasing after her.

Harry caught up to her catching her arm and pulling her into the bathroom.

"It's not what it looked like," Harry said.

Emily laughed, "You mean it didn't look like you kissing your ex, well it did," Emily said crossing her arms.

"Please don't tell Clara" Harry begged.

"You seriously can't expect me to do that, we never keep secrets from one another" Emily responded.

Harry sighed, "Please Emily I'm begging you I can't lose Clara," he said his voice dripping with desperation.

Emily rolled her eyes, "Fine, " she said.

Harry smiled, "Thank you, " he replied before reaching for the door handle.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again because if it does I will rip you limb from limb myself" Emily threatened before pulling the door open leaving Harry in shock and afraid.


Destiny sat down on an empty seat in the familiar living room. The same chairs, same pictures, same couch and the same coffee table. She smiled as she picked up a picture of Zayn when he was about six years old, he and his mother smiling at the camera while someone took their picture in the snow.

"Ian is sleeping," Trisha said as she entered the room. Noah sat in a chair diagonal from Destiny, her hands playing with her hair.

"Oh, well when does he normally wake up?" Destiny asked looking over at her.

"Maybe an hour or so, " she said bluntly sitting next to her.

"So this is Noah?" Trisha asked, looking over at the little girl. She smiled, showing a few missing teeth.

"Hi Noah, I'm Trisha your grandmother," Trisha said softly leaning over to her.

"Hi" Noah said, her voice barely audible.

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