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    "Oh my gosh look who's coming over here!" My best friend---Natalie yells. I look over to where she's staring and it just had to be the most popular boy in the whole school.

   The hot, most handsomest--- Ryan Toledo. I literally grew up with the guy. He has blond hair that kind of just goes all over the place with bangs, he's tall and really strong and he has sky blue eyes. Every girl falls for him, I swear. Since were older, we kind of went our separate ways.

    Natalie on the other hand, is somewhat popular. And I have no idea how I became friends with her! I mean were best best friends! No one and I mean no one can separate us! She has straight blond hair that falls like a waterfall past her shoulders, she has blue eyes and she's skinny. But we don't look anything alike!

   Maybe I should start from the beginning...

  My name is Violeta. My friends and family call me "Vi" for short pronounced Ve, just spelled differently. I have Brown curly hair that goes past my shoulders and past my boobs. I'm really tall, about 5 feet 10 inches, yeah that's pretty tall and I'm sixteen.

   I like to roller blade and skate board. I have the curves any girl would want, so that means I'm skinny. I have brown eyes, but it doesn't even look like it!

    I do A LOT of parkour. For those of you who don't know what it is or is to lazy to look it up, is... when you jump from one obstacle to another doing flips at the same time. For example, I run towards a four foot wall, jump it and jump another one and then I can climb something else. Or jump off of something high. It can go on for quiet a while.

  And last but not least, I don't live on planet Earth. If you ask me anything about other planets, universes and galaxies. I might give you as much info. as I possibly can! I love astronomy that's why!

  I live on my home planet Versa with my brother and my parents who work with the FBI. Cool huh? There not at home that often which is sad I guess.

  Planet Versa is not that much different from planet Earth. I can tell you that! Our planet is about the size of Jupiter! It has land and water. The gravity is twenty more times stronger than the Earths. But we can live with it. This planet is very unpredictable I swear!

  We are humans, just not normal, like them. We each have an abilities we were born with. But thing is I have more than one.

  Yeah I guess you can call them "powers" like superman. But ours are way cooler!

  And I'm not going to tell you what powers I have! You get to figure out which one's I have through my story.

  Anyways... you learn more things through my story. Right now I am at school eating lunch with my group of friends. While Ryan Toledo walks up in front of us.

  "Hi Ryan," Says Natalie.

  "Sup?" Ryan says, moving his head. His friends are with him, they just go ahead and start talking to my other friends. I'm guessing they like them.

  "What brings you here?" Natalie asks. Ryan shrugs and says, "Nothing much."

  Then he sits down next to me. I wasn't expecting it. He sits so close, I feel uncomfortable.

  "Hey Vi," He whispers in my ear, leaning closer to me.

  "Hi Ryan." I try to act normal and casual, but I don't think it's working.

  Ryan looks at me for a while then says, "How about you and I go walk around for a bit, at least till lunch is over?"

   I look at him at raise my eyebrow, "What about your friends?"

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