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Wish granted. We went home and I am currently in bed, just sitting here...

Midnight and Ryan come in. Yeah I left the door open so people can come in and go out.

"Sup?" I say as Ryan and Midnight come in my room. They take a seat in seperate chairs on a different side of my bed.

"Nothing much, got out of school for about a week, so I can take care of you," Midnight says and taps my nose.

"Oh..." I say.

"I can't believe I'm grounded!" Ryan complains.

"Oh stop complaining, Ryan! It's not the first time you got in trouble!" I say and it's true. Ryan's been in trouble plenty of times.

There's a knock on my door but they really didn't need to knock. I turn my attention to who's at the door and see it's Dan. And god he looks hot!

"Dan?" I say a little confused.

"You're okay! Thank god!" He says and comes in. "I heard about everything, Vi... and I'm sorry," he adds.

"You don't need to be sorry Dan, most of it was my fault..." I add, it's true it was my fault. He comes up near my bed and hugs me. I hug him back.

"I heard Midnight's gonna take care of you?" Dan asks sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah," says Midnight. "Why?"

"Well I was thinking who am I going to chill with?" Dan wonders. Oh right, I totally forgot about that too.

I slap my own face, "I totally forgot about that," I groan. But then an idea comes across me.

I look at Ryan with puppy eyes.

"What?" he asks.

"Let Dan hang out with you tomorrow during school... Show him all the girls, that are after you," I beg. I remembered the bet Dan and I made.

"Dan, hang out with me? And what girls that are after me?" Ryan asks. Then he realizes it.

"Sure Dan can hang with me... oh and you mean ALL the girls that come after me..." Ryan says dumbfounded. I roll my eyes. Weirdo.

Ryan slaps Dan in the back, "Sure man you can chill with me. Beside I need those girls off my back and you look about right for them." Ryan explains.

"Thanks dude," Dan says and they fist bump. Boys, there so weird...

"So what were guys doing before... I interrupted?" Dan asks.

"Nothing really... And you didn't interrupt anything," I say then my phone vibrated. I took it off my bed and look at the text.

"Who is it?" Midnight asks.

"Well, it seems like everyone knows that I got 'kidnapped' and are telling me sorry and that kind of stuff, you know?" I explain. They nod. "It's like I'm on TV at the moment," I say. I wave my hand making my TV turn on.

And what a coincident, I'm on FREAKIN' TV!!!

Everyone looks at the TV and there jaws drop open.

"What a coincident..." Midnight says, softly. We watch the news.

"Story of the day: Violeta Diamondette, daughter of the FBI Leader, Rick Diamondette. Got kidnapped a couple days ago, by Anket, the most wanted criminal on planet Versa. No one specifically that knows Vi wanted to talk to us about this. Violeta is also knkw for making third place in the universe for ice skating. So were here at the Diamondette's resident." The reporter says and I realize there at the door. The camera's shows the front house and they knocked.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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