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"Ali, can you get started on the cookies I was just talking about." I say. I just got done explaining things to the rest and showed them the lucky bamboo.

"Of course! Anything for you, Vi!" Ali exclaims and runs towards me, almost tipping me back in the crutches and hugs my waist.

"Thanks Ali. I'll make sure I get you something in return." I hug her back and kiss the top of her head. She smiles and runs to the kitchen. Gotta love Ali she's an amazing girl/sister. She is one to me and to think Midnight said she's annoying.

And just thinking about it. I see Midnight come into the hallway.

He walks towards me. "So now what? Every time you tell my little sister what to do she listens to you and when I tell her what to do she doesn't do it!" He says. I laugh.

"Well, I was thinking of going to go take a shower, get dressed into something nice and well that's pretty much it... Ali listens to me 'cause I'm nice and I give her things. She doesn't listen to you 'cause your mean and never do anything nice with her."

"Oh... And I am nice to her!"

I laugh.

"Yeah, sure Midnight! And I don't get how I'm supposed to get up the stairs!" I yell and growl, like an actual growl. The best idea came to me.

I transform into a white tiger. Man, I love doing this. It's one of my amazing abilities. As I quickly transform I hear Midnight gasp. I look up at him and he smiles. I quickly get up the stairs and transform back into my normal human like form.

I yell in pain, "Aw shit!" I look down at Midnight and add, "Remind me not to do that again! I need a better way to get up the stairs." I whisper the last part. That made my ankle hurt even more.

I look back at Midnight, "HA! How was that!?"

"Well you hurt yourself but I guess it was okay." He says coming up the stairs with my crutches. He hands them over and chuckles.

"Thanks," I say feeling the blush on my cheeks. I look and smile at him again and go to my bedroom.

I drop my crutches and limp to my closet. Aw what the hell I'm gonna wear a dress. I look through my closet and find a short strapless lavender dress, that goes right above my knees. It's pretty and I've only worn it... what? Once. I can't remember. Oh well I'll wear it.

I get everything I need and step into the shower, being careful with my ankle.

I come out and quickly change into my dress, leaving my hair down and letting it curl naturally. I put on some feathered earrings and put a headband with a flower on it and put it on my head, to keep my hair from falling in front of my face. I take my bangs and straighten them.

I fix my dress and spray some vanilla perfume on myself. I "walk" out of my bathroom and into my bedroom to find Midnight sitting on my bed.

Once he see's me his eyes stay locked onto me. His mouth slightly open.

"Vi, you look..." Midnight starts and lets his sentence drift.

"Please don't tell me I look bad!" I say, if he does, I'll throw a fit.

"You look... hot," He whispers. I barely hear it. But I heard it. Once he says it he covers his mouth. "Please don't tell me you heard that?"

"Kind of." I say looking at him. Midnight gets up from my bed and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I gasp, what is he doing???

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