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Back to Violeta's P.O.V.


Err... so cold. I'm like half asleep, half awake. I don't even know what time it is and I don't wanna know. I flip over in bed, trying to fall back to sleep.

I hear the door open, but just barely, that's what happens when you have sharp hearing. I wait for more sound or for someone to yell or say, 'Vi! GET UP' but nothing happens, just more footsteps and that's it.

I can feel someone close to me... Okay maybe I should explain this, but, I can sense peoples energy or "presence" and yes I everyone has "energy " this energy is somewhat clam... I wonder who this is?

I feel them bend over. Right above me. I pretend to be asleep even though I barely am.

I feel cool lips touch my cheek, just very lightly, "Time to wake up baby," he says. Midnight, what!????

I groan and flip to the other side.

"Come on Vi, I just realized we gotta go see a doctor." Midnight adds.

"What for?"

"Your ankle, smart one! How's it feeling anyways?"

"I don't know," I murmur, reaching for my blankets and pulling them on top of me. Midnight grabs part of the blanket.

"Well get up and tell me if it hurts or not, and remember were going to go say 'hi' to the new neighbors," Midnight adds.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost ten."

"Okay," I say giving up and getting up, tossing my blankets to the side. I sit on the edge of my bed. Midnight sits right next to me, waiting.

I slowly get to my feet... and pain shoots up my leg. I whimper in pain, the whimper almost turns into a cry, it hurt and it hurts more than yesterday.

I look at Midnight and shake my head, "Hurts like hell, it hurts more than it did yesterday... I don't get it, it seem to get worse."

Midnight sighs and scratches his head, "Get your clothing on and we'll go see the doc'" he says. The thing about getting hurt on this planet is that it's hard to get hurt and if you got hurt it would heal up in at least a week, a day beginning the shortest and three months for a big injury.

And I have no clue what exactly I did to my leg...

"Okay," I say and get up from my bed and limp to my closet/dresser. I glance over my shoulder to see Midnight siting on my bed, looking at me.

I dig through my clothing pulling out a tank top, not a spaghetti strap, a tank top and grab a pair of jeans, with holes on the knees and opening on the thigh.

I limp over to my bathroom and shut the door behind me. I quickly dress into my clothing, after I finish I limp back into my room and find Midnight still sitting on my bed, his eyes widen as I limp towards him and sit down next to him.

"Okay, now what shoes am I going to wear? I don't wanna wear something tight that'll hurt my ankle," I say. Midnight thinks about it. He gets up and goes to my closet, were I keep my shoes, looks around and pulls out a pair. He also grabs a sweater for me.

"Wear these," he says handing me some slip on's, you know the ones that cover your toes, the rest is bear and you get hurt a lot behind your ankle. He also hands me the sweater, I put that on before I put my shoes on.

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