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I slowly start waking up, what time is it?

I have no clue, as my body starts waking up as well, I feel weight on my waist. I look down and see an arm wrapped around my waist. Oh god!

I look behind me and right next to me on the bed is Anket.

Holy frijoles! Did he fall asleep with me? Oh god... Did...? No don't think of that, Vi!

I realize he didn't have a shirt on, only his boxers.

Without thinking I scream and fell off the bed.

Anket wakes up staring around like something bad happened.

Okay that move just made my ankle hurt! Crap!

"Vi! What---?" He starts and looks at me.

"What the hell!? Why are you there?" I yell, motioning to the bed. "Why was your arm... on me...?"

"I..." He starts and seems to think before speaking. "I just slept with you it's not like I... did something to you..." He finishes, pausing inbetween his sentence.

"You better have not or I would tell the court, once your turned in!" I yell.

"Who said I was going to get caught..." He added, smirking at me. He got off the bed, showing all his muscles. I turned away.

"I did, once I get out of here! And can you please put SOME clothing on!" I yell. He smirks at me, "Don't you like what you see," he mocks.

"Please, your, what twelve years older than me?" I ask. He questions it.

"No I'm ten years older than you."

"SEE!!!" I yell. He rolls his eyes and leaves the room. Hopefully to his room!

I carefully try to get up but it's useless my ankle hurts like hell and I DIDN'T have my cast on!!! How can I be so stupid! I bang my head on part of the bed.

I get up on to the bed and examine my ankle. Yup, swollen, just what I need. NOT!!!

Just then Anket came back in.Oh wow that was quick! He has sweat pants on and a shirt that shows his muscles. At least he's in his clothing!

He sees me sitting on the bed with my head down.

"You okay?" He asks and comes and sits down next to me and sees my ankle.

"It's my ankle... I hurt it, again, it's swollen see," I say. He nods, "Yeah I can see."

"Right," He quickly adds and in one quick swift movement. One swift movement. He tosses me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Anket, what are you doing!? Drop me!? Now Anket! Stop!?" I say and start hitting his back. He chuckles, a low rumble I can feel. He walks out of the room and into the hall.

"Where are we going!?" I shout. He touches my behind. Oh my God! He touched my ass!

"Some where and you might be able to see your friends and family again," he says. My eyes widen. Really? See my parents again? And Midnight? And everyone else???

"Really?" I ask letting my defense down. He chuckles.

"Maybe," We pass one of his guards and he tells him, "Can you please bring me injection 257 and 400?"

His guard nods and disappears. Wait what? Injection? Why do they have numbers and what do they do!?

"Wait, why do you need those!?" I ask.

"Oh, for something," he says.

"Why are they numbers and what are you going to do with them?!?!" I ask.

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