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~~~BACK TO VI'S P.O.V!!! YAY!!! Finally she's awake!~~~

What the ___ happened? Was the question that was floating around in my head, since I woke up.

I guess it's time that I wake up.

I did.

And the first one I see is Midnight. I mentally laugh, he cares so much about me. Wait... is that bad? It's to much to thing about right now, so I shoved that thought into the back of my brain and save it for later.

"Midnight..." I mutter, my voice soar and raspy.

Midnight looks at me for a bit, like, he could see my soul, which really didn't creep me out. I was use to it.

And then it happens. Midnight leans in and kisses me lightly. On the lips. And while he kisses me, I feel like a little spark of electricity in between us.

Oh my goodness, this means something. Yeah it means there's a big ass connection between us.

More than a friendship... My brain tells me. Your meant to be together! My brain adds.

Really? Are we really meant to be together? I mean we were friends from the start and yeah it could have evolved further than that... But I would have to wait, wouldn't I? I mean if Midnight loves me, he'd tell me and then I could tell him...

If your wondering if I like Midnight...


Ugh... I guess I kind of do. I mean, I liked him back in middle school and the beginning of high school... And...

Oh my goodness... I do like Midnight, ever since the start... Oh God!

The kiss didn't last that long. It was just a peck but it felt like forever. And I enjoyed it, so much. We both backed up. I guess Midnight didn't want anyone getting all suspicious.

There's the answer, he does like me. But he hasn't told me...

He looks at me again and wraps me into a big hug. I freeze but then I quickly recover. I feel safe... Well that's new.

"I'm so glad you're awake. You scared me..." Midnight whispers into my ear. Only that I can hear him and no one else can. He petted my hair and I can feel his hot breath on my ear.

I felt myself blush, oh geez did I actually just blush, I mean I felt the heat in my cheeks. Then that means I did blush, probably like a tomato.

"What happened?" I ask, hoping he got that I meant me and Anket. Not me and him.

"Vi!" My mom cries. She gets up from her seat, comes and hugs me. She hugs me so tight, I can't breath! I think my mom starts to cry but just a bit. "You're okay... My baby's okay..." she mutters. I smile.

"Mom, can't breathe," I say and she let's go.

"Oh sorry," She says and everyone laughs. I finally notice Lily's lying near me and she's asleep. It makes me smile. Ha, I think she cares more about me then her actual mom. She thinks I'm her mom. Haha...

"So what happened, while I was out?" I ask. "I only remember that Anket injected me with something and I just gave out..."

My dad gets up and walks towards us. "Well ask Midnight he's the one that practically saved you," My dad says. I look at Midnight, "Well..." He starts, "After Anket injected you. He gave us a riddle and I don't know, I guess I just got mad... I started to figure out the riddle. I came up with Umpqua forest and underground. 'Cause he said greenest place and that's how I came up with Umpqua forest. And he said mole, so I was thinking underground. 'Cause they live underground.

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