Chapter 3

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Waking up to buzz buzz. Realizing it's my phone I go to grab it but I'm hooked up to something. What the fuck. "Oh good you're up." Some redhead said. "It fucking reeks in here." Why is my voice so croaky. Ugh that's gross. "That would be the garlic. Your family is outside would you like me to go get them for you?" The ginger said while getting up. Reaching out I grabbed his ID. On it in bold letters read "CORLEY." "Wait! No Corley, update me on everything real quick." I said sitting up. Everything around me was creepy. There were voodoo dolls and is that blood? "Uh where the hell am I?" I asked very slowly still looking around. Corley, moving to get me some pink drink telling me to not spit it out. "Well this a vampire shop. Most the time vampires come here for garlic or if they're running low on energy. Any other things in the wizard world come to get cured if they get bitten by a Phoenix." He said to me while scratching his head. "And that doesn't happen often considering Phoenix's are very dangerous creatures to handle. So, tell me exactly how you got bitten because a guy wearing a very ugly beanie told me you panicked holding " Barry." Corley told me smirking slightly. Ezra. I thought I put a spell on that beanie to hide anytime Ezra came near. "Well we were at a dinner and my stupid friend brother guy told me to hold a Phoenix. That's all I remember." I told him trying to see his teeth. He opened his mouth about to say something when the door burst open. "Oh! My baby! Is she ok? Are you feeling well sweet cheeks? This is just like when I found you on the street!." Aunt Sheila said. "You found Savannah with me. Why do you always put that against me." I said trying to get away from her kissing all over my face. "Hah yeaa she's fine." Savannah said while looking at Corley, who is now on the other side of the room. "Well that's great, thank you for coming by. Please don't come by again, Sheila, you're the main reason we don't have customers for about 3 days." Corley said laughing a bit. Yea he's a vampire. "Well good, we all know you devious creatures shouldn't even exist. And to think if it wasn't for-" " Ok honey, let's go before this gets out of hand." Craig said cutting off Aunt Sheila. What was she talking about? I thought vampires were always around. And who was she about to mention? When did Craig even get here? "Well that was weird!" Mason said when we were all at the Commons. The Commons was an abandon place that wizards use to hangout. Ezra was the one who showed us it. Now that's where we always chill. "Yeah what do you think she was talking about? Ezra do you know?" Savannah said while looking at Ezra. He was teaching Barry to jump through a hoop. "Ummm I thought you guys knew. Maybe that's why she doesn't talk about it around you guys." He said thinking out loud. "Wait what do you mean?" Savannah said. "Who cares! I just can't wait until I master this levitation spell." Mason said while laughing. "Shut up Mason this could be important!" I said hitting him in the arm. "Ow! Sav! Help! Tell her abuse is not the answer." "Mason, she's right though this is important." She said calmly, probably use to his childish ways. "Ezra, tell us." Ezra stopped to pick up Barry and put him in his cage. "Ok well, I don't know where to start. It's a lot to take in. There actually still debating if they want to put it in wizard history books." Ezra said in a serious tone. "Well back when everybody was ok with the elves and wizards just being around. A vampire showed up. Nobody knew how or why. But they did and the vampire's name was- uhh I don't know I'll get back to you on the name. But this vampire cause a shit ton of trouble and went out to the human world. Sucking tons of blood out of innocent people. It's a law now that they only drink the blood of the devious people and the people who have done nothing but bad. But anyways, this vampire never went by the rules that the wizards set. And everyone knows a wizard can easily destroy a vampire and a werewolf. But mom, well she was only a teenager when this happened so, it wasn't that long ago. She witnessed the vampire suck the blood of an innocent but she saw that the vampire made the innocent a blood sucker too. So with this information she knew she had to tell the Castaways immediately. But the vampire saw her and tried to kill mom. But mom was smart and let the vampire think she was dead, blah blah blah, and then she casted a spell and paralyzed the wizard. Now it's rumored that in the Castaways Hall that his brain and his body are held in a case. That's basically how vampires became and since that one vampire saw what wizards could do, they know to follow the rules." He said letting out a breath. "Woah. But then how do you think werewolves came about?" Savannah said. "Wow. That was such a lame story Ezra. Do you think I'll actually believe that." Mason said snickering. "Savannah, tell Mason to shut the fuck up before a put a spell on him like I did Ezra's beanie." I said glaring at Mason. Ezra's jaw dropped, "What! Is that why I couldn't find her!" "Did you just call your ugly beanie a girl?" Savannah told him while laughing. "Look Mason, that story is true cause did you see the way Craig's face was." I told him. "Ok, but why wouldn't she tell us any of that then?" He said back. He's got a point. Why wouldn't she want us to know. "Kylie Crater!" Ezra all of a sudden screamed. "Bro! What the fuck did I tell you about screaming Ezra!" Mason said hitting him at the back of the head once again. "That's the name of the original vampire!" Ezra said. Me and Savannah looked at each other. We have heard that name somewhere. "Wait, the original vampire was a girl?! Why?" Mason whined. "Mason stop being sexist." Savannah told him while hitting him. "Are you hitting on me Sav? Cause if you are I'm totally digging it." He said while smirking. Savannah cheeks went a tad red and she nervously laughed. "Mason! Shut up jeez." She said still looking a bit nervous. I'll have to ask her some things later. I'm still confused as to where I have heard that name before. I saw that name. I saw it in Corley's office.

At school the next day, at lunch to be exact, the 2 sisters came by our table. "Hey!" Jasmine said while looking at Mason weirdly. Like Victoria was reading her mind said, " Aren't you dating Lexi? Why aren't you at her table?" Mason squinted at them. "Why the fuck do you care?" He said. Victoria laughed, "Oooo, looks like someone is in an argument." Jasmine slapped her arm, "Stop being rude! We need friends and you're ruining it for us!" Savannah laughed and asked "Out of all the people in school, you want to be friends with us?" She was pointing at all of us but mostly Ezra because he was saying some things to himself. Jasmine chose to sit next to him. "Who's Barry? And is he hot?" She asked. "Welcome to our group! Please let's only talk about hot guys for the rest of the lunch hour." I told her smiling a bit. She smiled back laughing, "Omg! Have you seen that Isaac guy? I'll grab his ass anyday." She said while making a hand motion. "Do we have to have them be our friends?" Mason whispered whined. When he said that I saw his arm move. It's on Savannah's knee. Am I missing something? "Don't worry, we're all missing something." Victoria said. I snapped my head towards her. I said that in my head. Jasmine slapped her again and whispered something to her ear. "Uh what was she talking about?" Savannah whispered to me. "Actually I'm getting a weird vibe. Are you?" She asked me. "Yeaa, something isn't right." I said looking around. Why was the football team looking at us? "Why is Harry looking over here?" She asked me again. Putting her hand in my face. "Hey Kaitlyn, get out of your daze! Bobby is coming over here!" Mason said tapping my cheek. Oh fuck. "Hey, I texted you yesterday. Did you not get it?" Bobby said while sitting next to Victoria. "Who said you could sit next to me? Because I know I didn't." Victoria said making a face at him. So that's why my phone buzzed. Cutting Victoria off froming saying anything else rude, " Uh s-sorry, I had an issu-" "An issue with Barry. I'm sorry are you Bobby?" Ezra said cutting me off. I swear I'm going to kill that beanie. "Uh Barry? And yeaa I'm Bobby" he said looking at Ezra. "Barry is his pet- his pet uh-" I looked over at Savannah and Mason for help. "Turtle his pet turtle." Mason winked at me. Why must this child be like this. Savannah started laughing. " What was your issue with Barry the turtle?" Bobby asked looking at me. I wanted to turn away I really did. But his eyes. And his jaw. And goodness gracious. And I really wanted to tell him Barry is a Phoenix. "Barry was being rude and bit me." I said closing my eyes after I said it. Turtles can't be rude, what the heck. But all Bobby did was laugh. Awh his laugh. By now I was staring and I was very obvious so, Savannah helped me. By pushing me. "Ok well how bout we start the project this weekend?" He asked me. Savannah groaned. "I have to work with Bates, can it get any worse?" She said. "Yea I feel bad for you. Bates is the absolute worse. I had to work on a project in French and she was all over me. You would think she would have some respect considering she has a boyfriend." Bobby making a disgusted face. "Harry deserves better." When Savannah said that Mason said he had to go ask a teacher for extra credit. For the rest of the lunch Bobby sat with us and tried to talk to me but that didn't go well. I'm still curious about Victoria and how she knew what I was thinking. Don't elves know how to read minds?

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