Chapter 13

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Twelve days and counting down. I just got done telling Savannah about the texts Victoria sent me. "Maybe fate isn't really fate." When she said it I was a little off guard. "Explain what you mean." She sighed, "Ok maybe fate is just an idea. An idea to keep you scared. An idea to think it's the only way. Maybe Henry Hale came up with this idea because something that overpowers us is scary and we refuse to challenge it. Which will make you go dark. As the halfies came in pairs of five each of them went dark because of this so called fate. But what if this fate is just to scare you to make you join his "army" of darkness." I took in what she said. Nathaniel looked up from his wand and smiled. "Savannah you're a genius! I mean she could be right. Not everyone believes in fate. And it seems Henry Hale made fate scary." I shook my head. "Fate has been around since forever. He didn't just make it up. I mean fate isn't supposed to be scary it's supposed to lead you to the life of what your true soul desires." "So, you're saying no matter what we were born to be dark? You're saying we shouldn't be afraid of him and our fate?" He seemed confused and so did Savannah. "Well he made a pact for halfies that they must be dark on their Fate Day. And we should be afraid of him but not of our fate." I said back. Nathaniel shook his head. "No, we had a fate before Henry Hale. Fate knew everything before. He as in Henry Hale, changed his own fate and the halfies. Think about it if he changed his fate, then why the hell can't we?" I mean he had a valid point. But I was getting agitated and bit frustrated. "Then how? Nathaniel, how the fuck do you suggest we change our fate? Tell me. Please I would love to fucking know. So maybe I wouldn't loose everything that means something to me!" I didn't realize I was yelling until I was done with my little rant. I didn't realize that Logan and Carter and Aaron walked in, with some curly haired guy. The whole squad was here and my eyes were only focused on what Nathaniel had to say. "We do exactly what he did but for the sake of good." He said it so calmly and reassuring. How in the hell does he have such patience? I lowered my voice with an attitude, "And tell me Nathaniel what exactly did he do? Nobody knows." He sighed, "That's where you're wrong. The three witnesses of the original vampire are also the witnesses of the werewolves and Henry Hale. The one who casted the spell, the one who witnessed it, and the one of the future." When he said that he glanced at Savannah. That's when it all came back at me. While everyone was talking and hanging around I was frozen in place. All this time and I had no idea that my best friend was the one of the future. The way Ja'Close asked who's the best and Craig saying it was her. Ja'Close is Daralyn's dad, he just had to be they had too many close features. Which also means Ja'Close is Bobby's uncle. Which means that they are both dark. Why would Craig work with dark? Then again Aunt Sheila said he's a neutral.My head snapped to Craig who walked in. He smiled at everyone and went into his little office room, for when he does work at home. I went to go open the door but it was locked. I knocked and waited about what seemed like five minutes. "Come in." I walked in, "Craig we need to speak. It's urgent and important and I need you to not lie. I need you to please give me the truth and nothing but the truth. For the sake of light." I said it fast but he caught every word. He sighed like he knew what I was going to ask him but nodded anyways. I sat down on his sofa. Trying to get my thoughts together but I didn't know where to start. Savannah knowing the spell to Ja'Close. "Ja'Close is dark. Why do you work with him?" I started simple. I just wanted answers. "I'm a neutral Kate. My job is to declare where certain wizards work and live. Ja'Close just so happens to be a what they call a "dark neutral." In my opinion, I don't believe there should be such a thing but there is. You see, my job I decide for darks and lights. Ja'Close, he's just a backup if anything's happens to me." I nodded. That made sense. The way he said his words I just knew Ja'Close had to be dark. "Ok do you know who are the three wizards?" He ran his hand through his hair, "Yes I'm apart of the Castaways, therefore I have to be aware of who they are." I was kinda scared to ask the next question. I did anyways. "C-can you tell me who they are?" He nodded his head. "I think it's fair for you to know. The one who casted the spell as I believe you already knew was my wife, Sheila. The one who witnessed it, Daralyn, Ja'Close's daughter." I gasped. Well shit. "And the one of the future is Savannah." "Does she know it?" The phone rang. I looked at it. "On her Fate Day, she will know." My jaw dropped. By this time he answered the phone and was talking to whoever. "Is there anyways she can know before? That's only two days Craig. There's no way in hell we'll be able to-" Aunt Sheila walked in. Craig continued on his phone. "You know the spell! I mean you casted it. Which means you can help. Aunt Shelia! This is how-" "No, Kate." I stopped talking. We were back in the living room and everyone could hear us. "What do you mean No?" I snarled. "Once I casted it, the Castaways banned me from saying it again. The only one who can say it now is the future one." I was getting angrier by the second. "Ok. Then you can tell Savannah the spell and we can be light. Shit! What about Daralyn, her family is dark she can go against us." Savannah looked shocked. "Wait what?" She asked. I snapped my head towards her and smiled. "Savannah, you're the future one. You know the spell. Well you will on Fate Day and-" "Kate! That's enough! No matter what we do it won't work. You can't change it. Halfies are dark and that's it end of discussion." Aunt Sheila cut me off. No. I will not have it. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I was furious. "It's almost like you want us to be dark! Do you even care!? Henry fucking Hale changed his own damn fate so, why can't we!?" We were screaming now. "Because you're half mortal! You're not powerful! You can't change your fate if you're not full wizard!" She screamed back. Craig came back into the room. "No! Henry Hale was a halfie just like me and them! He changed himself to a full wizard! If we change and put all of our good together then we can change our fate!" When I was done there was a knock at the door. Ezra went to open it. I could feel Aunt Sheila burning a hole in the side of my face but I don't care. I was a bit shocked by who was at the door considering last time I saw him, we kinda kissed a few times and the last time I saw her, she said she'll be out late. "Hey! Are we interuping sweet peas?! We just wanted to stop by and say hi." Daralyn said in her sickly sweet southern voice. Aunt Shelia mumbling a spell about dark under her breath. "What are you guys doing here?" My voice came out as a rapsy whisper. Bobby smiled. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie. But you never answered your phone so I just decided to stop by. And Daralyn loves you so she came with." He said the last part rolling his eyes. "No, Bobby, I don't want to see a movie. Actually I don't think I ever want to see you again. And Daralyn, you witnessed. This whole time you knew?" Her smile dropped. "I'm not dark like my dad or my mom, Kate. Matter fact I'm the only light in my family. So don't you go assuming shit that ain't real." Her voice getting thicker by each word she said. "Why don't you want to see me again? What did I do? I've only been nice and I've been wanting to see you. And Daralyn why are you telling them that?" Bobby butted in. It's a good thing he's pretty. You know before I would've felt bad for him and caved in. Probably run into his arms and wait for him to kiss me. Which I really wanted to do. But I just couldn't not after knowing he's dark. I wouldn't choose him over my family. Never. "Because Bobby, you're dark and I refuse. Sure I like you but I won't ever pick you over everything I have." I said it with calmness. He just nodded his head. "Then I better go before I get pissed and your Aunt will kill me if I stay any longer." He pressed his soft lips against my cheek and that was it. There goes my only romance I've ever had in my life. Gone and over with before it even started. Damn. "Daralyn? Can you help then? Can you tell Savannah the spell?" She sighed. "You just don't get it do you sweet pea? I can't. We can't. Even when she learns it she can't help you. It's the halfies put all together. The chance of all of you changing your fate is a risk. A long shot." I wanted to cry and hurt Henry Hale. "I willing to take that risk." Aaron spoke up. He came and put his arm over my shoulder. Which just made me want to cry even more. "Same guys." Nathaniel said coming next to Aaron. The curly haired guy as I recognized as Mitchell smiled. "I don't want to loose my family." And he came and stood next to me. Daralyn smiled a sad smile and shaking her head. Opening her mouth to say something. Logan and Carter cut her off. "I'll help them." Logan said. "We'll do anything we can to help." Carter pitched in. Then the arrogant Mason decided to join. "Yeah I'll help these assholes only cause I couldn't imagine without them." He smiled a lazy smile and threw his arm around Nathaniel. Ezra just stood by his mom. "I wanna help." Was all he said. "Can we help them? Is it even possible?" Savannah asked. "Hell, who knows. But it's damn well worth a shot. C'mon Sheila, we gotta help them." Aunt Sheila cried on his shoulder and nodded saying things like "I'm sorry." And "I'll do my best." Daralyn back to her bright beautiful self said, "Well we're going against the strongest wizard there is. We need a plan. Craig get that Cara girl so, she can join. All five of them will be equal power. Let's put our heads together." Everyone cheered but did we really have a chance? All I did was hug Aaron. I just wanted to sleep. Wake me up when this shit is over with. If only it was like that. "Oh C'mon Kate, we have to have hope when we take that risk." Aaron told me. We kinda just rocked back and forth. To a beat that we only knew existed. We have a whole eleven days. Eleven days to change our fate and the rest of the halfies after us.

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