Chapter 4

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"Man, Alexia's book has some really weird stuff in there." Peavy said walking with us to class. "What's in there that's so weird?" Savannah asked him. "It looks like devil stuff, and there was a finger in the book." He said making a face. "She told me, she likes to paint nails and that the finger was fake. But it sure looked real." He said sitting down. "Why do you even talk to her?" I asked laughing. "She's pretty." He said laughing. By now we were all laughing. "Is there something you want to share with the class?" Mrs. Semar asked. She was literally that teacher who quotes "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." Even though she favors Peavy, she doesn't like how he is friends with Savannah and me. "No Mrs. Semar, you would just get jealous." He said to her. He is definitely one of a kind. Trying to hold in my laugh I said, "Mrs. Semar is so into Peavy it's unreal." Savannah whispered back, "Do you think he's into her?" I looked at them. "No, Peavy's into Alexia." I said laughing. It's funny because it all started when Mason told Peavy to pick someone to go to homecoming with him. Peavy picked Alexia and asked her and she rejected him. This led to Peavy low-key making fun of her and getting into her life. He said he met her mom before.

I take half of my classes with Ezra. This is double-edged because it's Ezra. Currently we're in art class which we take last hour. "You know that girl Victoria? The one who sat at our table yesterday?" He asked me. "Yeah, did you get a weird vibe from her?" I said writing a spell in my notebook. "Oh yeah, I have a theory." Here we go again. "My theory is that she is an elf." He whispered the elf part. For what reason, I have no idea considering our table is in the corner. An elf. "Elves can read minds right?" I asked him. "Yep, and she kept trying to read mine." "Ok, but how do you know that?" I said back. "Not that long ago, mom put a spell on my head so nobody could read it. I don't know why she did that. But when she did it she whispered things like " they won't find out" and "they'll come after him one day," I don't know who or what she was talking about." He said scratching his jaw. "So, you can tell when someone tries to read it?" I asked him. "Yeah, it's like a shock and when I looked at her all I could feel was the shock." He said back. "Wait, I've never met an elf in person. Are you sure?" I asked him squinting my eyes. "Yeah and her sister Jasmine. Both of them are elves. My dad said elves come in pairs. There is always a nice one and a mean one. The nice ones shrink while the mean ones grow." He said demonstrating on a piece of paper. "Obviously the nice one is Jasmine and the mean one is Victoria." I told him. "Wait, do you think they're other creatures that go here. I mean like more wizards or elves." I said thinking out loud. "There could also be vampires and werewolves for all we know." He said when the bell rang.

"Are we going to the football game tonight?" Savannah asked anybody who would listen. "Hell yeah we're going! This game determines if they're going to the state championship or not." Mason said holding his wand. We weren't allowed to bring our wands to school. Then again nothing stops Mason from doing what he wants. His wand was brown with a small blue orb at the end where he holds it. Savannah was always losing her wand. Maybe it was because she's always trying a new spell. Her wand was a simple navy blue that consisted of a lighter sparkle blue around it. The wand almost looks like it got caught in a blue sparkle spider web. Ezra's wand was a simple dark brown that almost looked black. The wand is spiral until where he holds it. My wand was skinny with a grip. The skinny part was black and the grip is a marble red color. "I left my wand in my gym locker. So when we go Mason and I will go get it before the game starts." Ezra said. "What no can't we go after the game?!" Mason yelled. Ezra nodded reaching for the fish bowl. "What are you doing? My wand is in there." I said slowly. "It still makes no sense why you keep your wand in the fishbowl." Mason said snickering. "It does because when people come over it just looks like a rock. Aunt Sheila said for us to hide them in obvious places because normal people are stupid." Savannah said back to him. On the way to the game all you could here was "Only use magic if you're in danger!" Sitting in our seats Bobby was like 2 benches down from us. "Are you gonna watch the game or watch Bobby?" Mason said loud capping. "You know Mason, I'm tired of your shit." I said looking on the field for Lucas. He's the quarterback. Throughout the game I noticed Bobby kept looking back and that near him I saw some sparks. Then again I could just be seeing some things. It's incredible how our team won. Last year we lost like every game. Our team won by 23-7. "Wooooo! We're going to state! Fuck yeah!" Mason screamed. Savannah hit him, "Stop yelling!" "C'mon babe, you should be screaming with me." He said not even realizing he called her babe. Her cheeks went red once again. Waiting for Mason and Ezra to hurry up because they said for us to wait for them. We're going for smoothies after this. I thought to myself I need to ask my so called best friend what the fuck is going on between her and Mason. "So, wanna tell me what's going on?" I said looking at her. "What do you mean?" She said looking confused. "Well I mean it's kinda obvious that something is going on between you and Mason." She looked down and around. Anywhere but my face. "Oh, uh it's just the same ol same ol." She said. "I thought you were into Harry but the way you act with Mason tells me something different." I told her. Before she could say anything Ezra and Mason came running as fast as they could towards us. Ezra taking out his wand screamed, "Take us out of this chase and put us at the fruit place." Mason and Ezra gasping for breath took a seat and refused to tell us anything until we get their smoothies. Once we got their smoothies and they drank the whole thing. "We saw something we weren't supposed to see." Mason said in a scared tone. "And we got caught." Ezra said in the same tone. Looking at them curiously I said, "What made you two loose your shit?" Savannah said, "I've never seen you two run that fast before." Mason with red cheeks looked at her weirdly. "Well if you saw what we did you would understand." He said. "Thefootballteamarewerewolves." Ezra said really fast. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that." I told him. He took a deep breath and slowly said, "The football team are werewolves." "No way." Savannah said laughing and shaking her head. "This is your prank to get back at us. Wow that's pathetic." She said laughing really hard now. Mason glaring at her and Ezra looking scared. "Listen Sav, this is serious and we're dead meat because what we saw. If you don't believe me then look at my shirt." Mason said pointing at his shirt. Savannah gasped and I about puked. Blood and a claw mark. "Mister nice guy Nolan decided he didn't like what we saw. He about ate me and held me against the wall until Ezra came out and did a quick spell." Mason said getting his wand out so he doesn't look crazy. "When the nice guy decides to be mean, make me clean." Mason whispered. His shirt was brand new. "What about the cut?" I asked him. "Sav will clean it for me later." All she did was nod. Well doesn't that make sense considering only family is on the team. Well looks like we're in some trouble now. They saw Ezra use his wand. And Mason got away. And I still have to meet Bobby tomorrow for the project. This is gonna be a ride.

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