Chapter 26

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A/N hey guys, I am so sorry that it's taken me so long to post a new chapter, I am fairly certain it's been a couple of months tops but I don't really want to know specifically. I do feel bad that I haven't updated in so long but I have had a lot of personal drama to deal with and that's been really hard, so I hope you guys can respect that.

Anyway I am fairly certain this is my shortest chapter yet however I'm not entirely certain where I want to take this story as I'm not liking season 6 of the walking dead. I have to finish this story line but after that I think I'll write my own ending and make a finish to this story. I love it I do but I hate running a story longer then it should be and I want to finish this story on a high note but I'll just have to figure out what that high note is.

Anyways leave your comments and thoughts and on with the chapter :)

Chapter 26

I opened my eyes to a blinding bright light and I knew what was coming today....Daryl and the others were going out on what they were calling a test run – basically checking everything over and making sure that they can lead the walkers away without any interruptions or anything going majorly wrong.

I was scared, nervous but also a little proud of Daryl. I'm scared as hell that things will go south and that....that I'll never seen Daryl again but I'm proud because he is stepping up. I couldn't ask for a better man than that, one that steps up like Daryl does without any concern for himself but only for others. I know I was mad yesterday and I think a part of me still is, the part that is sick of Daryl risking his life for others and leaving his family but I have to try and remember that this is who he is. I can't change that. I know he loves me and the bub and I have to keep that running through my head before anything else.

I rolled over and laid my head on Daryl's chest, I knew he was asleep because he had a slightly heavier breathe, not quite snoring but almost. I raised my arms and pushed aside some of the hair that had fallen on his face during the night. I smiled slightly to myself as he moved a little in his sleep.

"What ya smilin' at?" he grumbled as he opened his eyes slowly.

"You," I replied.

He fully opened his eyes, "Takin' pleasure from wakin' me up?"

"I didn't mean to," I spoke, "I'm just realisin' that no matter what I'm proud of you, just make sure you come home at the end of it, ok?"

He nodded with a grumbled, "Yeah, I will. Ya know I will do whatever it takes to come back to ya. What brought this on?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, was just thinkin' about everythin'."


"Yeah. I just hope this is it. Lead the walkers away and then we can start growing."

Daryl placed his hand on my stomach which was getting slightly bigger every day. It wasn't huge yet but slightly big enough to tell I wasn't bloated by pregnant. About 3-4 months along by now surely.

Daryl rubbed his thumb along my stomach and looked down at it with love and a sense of protection about him.

"What you thinkin' about?" I asked.

"This is it, I feel it," Daryl looked up at me, "I'll make it so."

I placed his lips on mine and held me close. I could stay like this forever, but sadly that wasn't going to happens. It wasn't long before Rick was knocking on the door and then Daryl had to get up and get ready. I hesitantly got dressed and walked down the stairs with Daryl, our fingers intertwined the entire way. The entire group met out by the gate and got ready to head out. Daryl prepared his bike and I stood by him.

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