Introduting Becca

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I hear my mother calling but am in no hurry to answer her.
I get out of my bed at the slowest pace possible, walk into the bathroom and shut the door. I do my business. Clean my face. Brush my teeth and walk back into my room only to find my small slightly chubby fox terrier laying across my bed. I walk to the other side of my room to retrieve a pair of socks. I've never been too fond of white socks. Therefore I pull out some black ankle socks and place them over my feet. It's early May and I can't believe it's so cold already.
I walk into the living room to find my mother dressed and ready to go, she's wearing makeup. Perhaps to much of it for so early in the morning, it's blinding really. I rub my eyes in surprise and try to remember what was happening. The new neighbor whom had just moved in across the street had invited us to brunch. My mother looked unsure weather she wanted anything to do with the tan, purple curly haired, short woman with glasses when she was invited. But of course my mother being my mother she'd never pass and opportunity to show off her possessions to another. Me being one of them.

There I was. A 16 year old innocent girl whom cursed irregularly and spent most hours during the day in her room studying. I'd worked hard in school, in anything. Perhaps I was a child who was born with the special abilities to pick up new strategies and excel in all areas of education. Maybe my mother worked extremely hard with me as a young child, pushing me to the breaking point with work to complete. I'm not sure I'll remember anytime soon and I'm positive my mother will never remind me. All I know is that throughout elementary school I was afraid to be behind the other students education wise so I organized myself to study, read and devote my life to being above in anything and everything. I'm not certain if that had anything thing to do with my IQ now, but I'm hopeful that hard work paid off.

My mother never makes and mistake to remind others, and myself of how successful her daughter is.


"You are coming right Becca?"
A petty nickname given to me as a small child.
"I'm not sure I can, I have homework and stuff." I shrug and hope she doesn't see through my lie.
"No you don't. You've finished it. I know you have, it's nine thirty" she looks at her bare wrist. "if you hadn't finished you would've set your alarm early to finish this morning." My mother smiles at the clearly over obsessed child looking at her from the opposite side of the room.
"Of course I'm coming mother." I give a fake smile and turn away to hide my rolled eyes.
"Better get dressed then." Her bright red lips smile as she wipes the island down in the middle of our small yet cozy kitchen.
"I'll be right back." I moan, showing I clearly have no interest in going at all.

(A/N: WELCOME TO HOPELESSLY IN LOVE. A BOOK WRITTEN BY ME!!! Anyway, I started writing this book early 2016 when I decided that I needed to get over... Well... Everything written in this book. I thought that if I wrote it all out, for the world to see, everything would become easier. Was I right? That's up to you to decide. This book is in fact a love story. Not a love story where everything turns out sunshine and dandies. More like... Pain and suffering. A book where, love, isn't always found.

I hope you guys really enjoy this book. It was up for a while but I decided to take it down and sort myself out first. Clearly, if you're reading this, it's up! And I'm over all the bullshitty love statements and the stupid boys. Well, probably not the boys. I'm really excited for you to read this!! I'm sure it'll be great! Get ready for... Hopelessly In Love!!)

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