Where am i going to sleep?

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"Where are you going?!" Nathan yells from the top of the stairs. I stop in my tracks remembering that he drove me here.

"Please drive me home? Please Nate??" I beg. My mother is going to kill me.

"Come on sweet heart, live a little." My heart flutters. No. I have to leave.

I run further this time out the door. I start walking away from the house when Nathan walks out the door, catching up to me.

"Where exactly are you going?" He asks.

"I need to go home. My mother has no idea where I am and my phone is flat." I snap before apologizing. It's not his fault.

"I already text her before your phone went flat, I told her you were staying at our house and that you'd be home in the morning." He smirks clearly proud.

"Thank you so much!" I squeal. Running up and hugging him.

I hear him sigh into the hug. I go to pull away but he pulls me closer, I snuggle into his warm sweatshirt that smells like mint. It's basic but it gives me the best feeling ever. The feeling that this could somehow work out. That we could somehow work out. I try to pull away again but he squeezes me tighter before he speaks.

"I'd like to appreciate this moment without you squirming please. I don't know if and when this will ever happen again." I smile at his words and feel as if I'm going to drift off before he lets me go and proposes that we go back inside.

I agree.


"Come on Becca, live a little." Nathan mocks me again.

"Na uh. I'm not drinking anything." This isn't going to turn into one of those love stories where the guy changes the girl. That's a little too cliche for me thank you.

Wait did I just say love story?

"Well we should go home." Steph speaks up. Finally something I can agree on.

Once we enter the car Nathan starts to brag on about some hot girl he saw before Stephanie speaks over him.

"So Rebecca, you're staying at our house tonight?" Steph speaks, although i'm not too sure if its her or the alcohol speaking.

"Uh, yeah I am. As long as that's okay?"

"Its fine." Nathan spits.

The car ride is half an hour but it feels like a life time. Especially when Stephanie falls asleep and the jokes stop. The rest of the drive is quiet, the only sound is the quiet hum of the radio station.

When we finally reach their house the lights are off and there are no cars. Thank god. The last thing I want is to deal with a bunch of drunk adults.

"You okay?" Nathan asks sweetly, I answer with a nod before walking inside.

"I'm just going to set up where you're gonna sleep." He whispers, more to himself than to me but I go along with it anyway.

After 10 minutes of loneliness I decide to get up and look for Nathan and Stephanie, whoever I come across first. I walk down the short hallway admiring the family photos along the way. They all look so friendly, so normal. The people in these photographs are not the same people that I've met.

I stop outside an open door, looking in I see a bunk bed with a mattress on the floor. I realize the body laying on the bottom bunk, Stephanie. She's asleep. I wouldn't expect anything else, she was drunk out of her mind.

"Looking for someone?" Nathan whispers and I jump before pushing him in the chest. He takes a different approach and decides to pull me by my wrists into another hug.

"Naaatteee!" My voice comes out muffled against his chest.

"Yes sweetheart?" He laughs.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I pull away from our embrace.

"On the mattress on the floor." He seems uncertain

"Unless you want to share with me? It's a small bed I know... But..." A timid smile appears.

"Okay." I walk over to the mattress and plonk myself down, finalizing the floor mattress as my bed for the night.

"Do you have a spare shirt I could wear to bed?" I ask shyly?

"Oh, yeah, right." He mumbles.

He walks over to the cherry red dresser and pulls out a long sleeve grey shirt. It looks almost unworn.

"Thanks." I whisper before he sits down next to me.

"Wanna watch some t.v in Leslie and my fathers room?" His eyes burn holes into mine.

Agree Rebecca. You can do it. Wreck less  teen, wreck less teen!

"Um... Sure?" I speak quietly, afraid to wake Stephanie  up.

Nathan leaves the room for me to change. I slowly remove my dress, leaving my underwear on. I replace my black lace bra with the grey shirt. It's warm and smells of Nathan, a younger version of him.


We've been laying together in Leslie and Rogers bead for around an hour now and I have no idea whats going on in the movie. All I know is that Nathan knows, and he's loving it. I can't stop looking at him. I wish I could just talk to him and not be so afraid but i'd prefer not to be another one of his booty calls.

"Do you want to play Truth or Dare?" I speak up before I realize what I'm doing.

"Sure." Nathan looks as surprised as I do right now.

"Truth or Dare." The tan boy asks me.

"Truth." I smile.

"Would you date me? Not like will you but... Given the chance do I seem like a dateable guy?" He asks shyly.

"I thought you didn't date?"
"I do. I date too much. Sometimes my relationships don't even last a month."


"Yeah, I would date you. Not I will but... I would." I mumble before Nathan looks up at me with... Hope? In his eyes.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask.

"Hmmm, dare." Nice one Nathan.

"I dare you to do something you've never done before." I smile sheepishly.

I lay back down, after five minutes Nathan still hasn't done the dare and i'm starting to fall asleep.

Before I know it there's a pair of extremely unfamiliar lips on mine. Nathan! I'm not too sure what to do so I just hold the kiss. I feel Nathan smile, and I smile back.

Please don't fall in love Rebecca. You can't do this.

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